Practice Equals Perfect

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***Ava's POV

   I stared at the knife in front of me, then a the target. I had been working on my powers for weeks now. Dazz said that I was doing great, but I couldn't help and think that I was missing something. the knife lifted and went flying towards the target, hitting it perfectly in the middle.

   "Good. You're getting better every day. Now bring it back to you." I nod and focus on the knife again. It started to slide out of where it was embedded in the wall since the target was more or less just a hologram. 

   Along with my powers, Dazz had also been teaching me about his people. I had finally learned that they were called the Guerra, meaning war. He said that hey were called that because thousands of years ago they would take war to peoples door step for no reason other than to feel the rush of the fight.

   The knife came flying back with lighting speed and landed in my hand. Dazz smiled and walked over to me. "Good. I think we can move on to something else."

   "Like what?" I set the knife down and follow him as he grabs a bag, slinging it over his shoulder and leading me into the woods in the direction of the what as now becoming our lake.

   "Your transporting, for one. You need to learn how to use it. That way you won't mess up and transport in front of a bunch of people and you don't get exposed as the Blood Queen."

   "Oh, okay, but how are you going to teach me something that no one else can do?"

   "We'll get to that when the time comes." I roll my eyes and follow him the rest of the way silently. 

   When we get there he puts his bag on the ground and turns to me. "Okay, can you tell me what you were thinking and feeling when you first transported?"

   I blush, remembering that I had been spying on them when he was sent to get me and I freaked out. That's when I had transported.

   "Well, I didn't know where I was and got up. I was at the door when I heard you walking down the hall and I panicked. I made a move for the couch and next thing I knew I was on the couch."

   He nods."Okay, let's get started. It will be time for dinner soon and your mom will kill us if we're late."

   He laughs. "Yeah, you're right. Stay here. I'm going to go up to the top of the waterfall and you're going to try to transport over to me. Okay?"

   I sigh, nod at him and he leaves. "So, all I have to do is move from one place to another without moving a muscle by using my mind. Great. Just great. This should be interesting." I mutter to myself as I watch him get to the top of the waterfall and turn to me.

   "Okay! Try to come to me!" I barely hear him shout over the water. 

   I take a deep breathe and focus on him, willing my body to move from here to there. 

   I felt nothing.

***Dazz's POV

   I've been standing on this cliff for nearly three hours now. I had to pee, was hungry and really wanted to go home, but I wouldn't until Ava got somewhere with this. She needed to learn how to control this before she was accidentally exposed.

   "I can't do it" She yells for literally the fifty sixth time, I've been counting. 

  I knew she could do it. She'd done it before when she'd been scared. All I had to do right now is get her to transport up here out of fear and see how it all works,  then we should be able to start getting a hold on it. I think about it for a moment, then sigh and step off the cliff.

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