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***Ava's P.O.V

   I try not to bounce in excitement as I listen to Commandeer Mark yell and rave about what Spalding.

   "This is completely unacceptable! I want him punished! I can not have my people panicking about someone trying to kill them on an unfamiliar planet! The ship is almost done and we still don't have gas! I can not believe you let your people act in such a manner!"

   "Yes, Commander Mark. We understand your predicament, and Mr. Spalding will be be dealt with accordingly." One of the Elders drones on about their laws and punishments. I have never seen Commander Mark like this before.

   No need to punish him. I've already dealt with it. I say silently to all the Elders. A few look at me with wide eyes and I shrug. I've been practicing.

   "If I may, sir? Elders?" They all nod to me. "Mr. Wolf," I gesture to Dazz. "has brought to my attention a planet that as not had any intelligent life on it for a while now. One that your people went to war with many years ago. One with an ecosystem similar to your's and, therefore, Earth's. We were thinking that the ship didn't need repaired at all. If we can get the escape pods up and working, they should be able to make it to that planet just fine. Human kind should be able to thrive there just fine."

   They all look at me and Dazz with shock. "Why, yes. Yes, that would actually work. It is true that their environment is similar to ours and it shouldn't be hard getting you, um, escape pods working again." Another Elder says. 

   "That should work. How fast can that be done?" Commander Mark asks.

   I step forward before any of the Elders can say anything. "I have already taken a look at the EP's and they seem to be in fine condition, for the most part. A few repairs on a couple and they should be good. The biggest problem would be getting them up in the air and flying. They're meant to shot from the ship, not flown from the ground. Getting them upgraded to do that would be the biggest obstacle. But over all, it should take less than a week with enough men."

   I knew the Elders wouldn't say anything from me cutting in. They wouldn't dare, knowing who I was and what I can do.

   Commander Mark nods. "Okay, Ava, I want you to organize who will be working when. And figure out what exactly we'll need for this to work." I want to snap at him to do it himself, that it's his job not mine and demand what exactly he was going to do, but I kept my mouth shut. I noticed a few of the Elders looking mad and one opens his mouth to say something.

   Don't. He doesn't know. As far as he knows, I'm still the rising Commander that he can tell what to do. That's all going to change very soon. I see him give a slight nod and he holds his tongue. I smile softly and turn to Commander Mark, who's still waiting for my reply.

   "Yes, Commander Mark. Right away." I see a few of the Elders grit their teeth, but none say anything as he nods and walks out without another word.

   An hour later, the Elders were still ranting about him. 

   "Who does he think he is talking to the Blood Queen like that."

   "Well, like her highness said, he does not know."

   "Well he still disrespected us with how he talked through out the whole meeting and when her left."

   "He needs realize who is really in charge here."

   I was done with this. "Silence!" I shout over their bantering. "What is your deal? You're acting like a bunch of bickering kids! Now be quiet and listen!" They all fall silent immediately. "Thank you. Now, I already told you not to hold him accountable for what he says and how he acts to me. Yes, he should not have treated you like that, and, for that, I apologize. I will talk to him about it later. He is just trying to exude authority so that you will not change your minds and hurt his people."

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