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***Daxx's POV

   "Hey, man. What's up?" I was looking at a little black dot in the sky that had been getting larger and larger the past few days when my best friend, Leo, came up behind me to clap me on the back.

   Leo was tall, like all Gluhen, meaning glow, with dark brown hair that curled at the nape of his neck, black eyes and strong build. We had other names, but most of us referred to ourselves as Gluhen.

   "Nothing, it's just . . . ya see that black dot up there? It's been getting bigger as the days go by, and I'm wondering of it's worth telling the Elders. At this rate, what ever it is will be here within a day or so."

   "Huh. That's not good. Come on, we'll get Clayton. He'll know if we should go to the elders." I nod at we head to Clayton's house.

   "Hey, guys, how can I help you?"

   Clayton was in his mid forties, with honey colored hair, dark brown eyes and slim build.

   "We were hoping you could tell us if something like, oh I don't know, a black dot that keeps getting bigger and seems to be getting closer in the sky is a reason to go to the Elders?"

   "What?!?!" He shoves past us to look at the sky. "What in the all mighty universe is that?!?!?"

   "Nice idea, Leo!" I whisper harshly.

   He winces. "Sorry!" he whispers back.

   "You were right to come to me. Come, come," Clayton shuts his door and ushers us down his steps. "we must tell the Elders right away."

   An hour later we are kneeling before the five Elders. "Rise" We stand up. "Why do you come to us, Clayton Write, Dazz Wolf and Leo River?" Earl, the eldest of the elders and the one with the most power, asks us in his monotone voice that was a little raspy with old age. The guy was like a million years old.

   "Elders, we come to you with concerns with something that we think you should know about."


   "Well, sir, Dazz is the one who first noticed so I do think that he should be the one to explain."

   Earl takes a deep breathe. "So be it." His voice sounds bored as he turns to me. I gulp.

   "Well, sir, there is a . . . black dot of sorts, that seems to be coming closer to us. We thought that you would like to know about this, seeing that we do not yet know what it is and it could very well be a threat."

   The Elders pause. "You were right to come to us, young Dazz Wolf. We will see to this problem immediately. Thank you. You are all dismissed."

   We bow before walking, still bowed, backwards out the room.

   "What do you think they're going to do?" Leo asks me as we walk to my place.

   "I dunno. It's the Elders. They're unpredictable." Leo laughs and as we walk into my house. I can't help but look back at that little black dot and think, Something big is about to happen.

***Ava's P.O.V

   We will be landing on the planet in a few hours. Everyone is supposed to be getting some rest before we land, but I don't think anyone is going to be getting any.

   I lie down in my bed, staring up and the painting on the ceiling from when I was five and climbed my dresser to paint it up there, thinking that Milo wouldn't notice until he came in to kiss me good night and tuck me in and paint had dripped all over his favorite shirt. He had looked up with his mouth open and more had dropped into his mouth. He hadn't been happy.

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