A Days Work

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***Dazz's POV

   It's been a long day with Ava, but...it's also been a great one. Who a I to complain? She slowly opened up to me and told me things about her and her people. She told me stories about how she and her friends used to terrorize the cooks and scare the other kids with ketchup, pretending it was blood. I had told her about how Leo and I used to run up to people's apartments with goodie baskets that had small smoke bombs in them that made their walls turn neon pinks, greens, blues and purples, ring the bell and high tail it out of there. We would put cameras at their windows and watch them open the deliciously filled baskets and get a colorful surprise.

   I don't know how she continued to amaze me time and time again, but she did. Around every turn was a surprise with her. Around every bend a new discovery. I wanted to learn more. I wanted to tell her more about me and my planet. About the wonders that were everywhere here.

   I wanted her.

   "Where to next?" I ask her. She had been staring out the window 

   "Hmm, we've done just about everything. So let's just check in with the commander and that'll be all...well, unless he has another job for me, then we'd have to do that before anything else."

   "Sounds good. Where to?"

   An hour later, Ava had checked in with Commander Chris and we were on our way home. "So, picnic tomorrow?"

   She hesitates. "I don't know, I'll probably have more to do. I have a responsibility to my people, Dazz. I can't abandon that."

   "Okay, okay. I get it."

   "Do you, Dazz? Do you really?"

   I don't answer. What can I say? Because, in truth, I don't understand. I don't have the responsibility of my people's lives resting on my shoulders. I don't know what that feels like, and, seeing what it had done to Ava, I'm not sure I want to. She was strung to tight, like she was was always ready for both shoes to drop at the same time. It wasn't healthy.

   "Either way, if it's okay with your commander, would you like to go on a picnic?" I wasn't going to give up.

   She sighs and just as I think she isn't going to answer she whispers, "Sure." 

***Ava's POV 

   I walk in and see Milo on the couch, talking with Mr. and Mrs. Wolf. He smiles and stands up, opening his arms as I rush him. I nearly take us both down when I slam into him and hug the ever loving daylight out of him. 

   "Well, hello to you too. Miss me? It's only been a few hours." His arms come to rest around me.

   "But you were in the hospital then. You're here with me now." He chuckles and squeezes tight one more before letting go and stepping back to sit down. 

   I sit next to him and take his hand in both of mine. I hadn't noticed till now how worried I've been. He could have died if he hadn't gotten off in time. I could have lost him. The reality of that slams into me and takes my breathe away from me.

   The sound of Mrs. Wolf's voices pulls me out of my heart stopping thoughts. "Who's ready for dinner? It should be just about ready. Axel?" Axel gets up and follows Naomi into the kitchen to get everything ready.

   "So, Dazz, have you and my Ava been getting along well? I know she can be a little...controlling sometimes." Milo grins at Dazz at that last part.

   "Controlling, dismissive, hurtful, bossy. You name it." Dazz grins back at Milo and I whip my head towards them.

    "Hey. I am not." They ignore meas if I wasn't even there.

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