Chapter 37 "Left Behind"

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I paced back and forth while waiting for Violet to pick up the phone. I had been trying to reach her for five minutes now but still she wouldn't pick up. I wondered what was going on with her, but whatever she was doing at the moment, I hoped it was more important than my intention right now or else, I would be happy to kick her ass.

"Come on, Violet, pick up the goddamn phone," I hissed under my breath as my patience was getting thinner every second, and when she still hadn't picked up, I threw the phone to the couch and cursed loudly. I would say I was desperate, I needed all the help I could get, and I couldn't stop myself from feeling angry when even contacting her or the others I already failed.

I flopped down on the couch, taking deep breaths to calm myself. I knew I shouldn't got too worked up, but damn it was frustrating. Liv's parents were in danger. I knew how much it was breaking her, I had to do something. She still hadn't gotten over that traumatic incident with Elle, and now she was facing another crisis, I didn't know if she could handle everything but I wanted to help her, at least eased some of her burdens...and I couldn't do that if I stopped now.

With a renewed determination, I grabbed the phone and called Violet once again, but it had gone for two rings when I heard Liv screamed upstairs, making me stop immediately. Without delay, I instantly ran upstairs, thinking Helena had already found our safe house.

I shoved the door open, and found Liv sitting on the bed, crying.

"Hey, what happened?" I asked slowly, a little relieved that my thought was wrong, and looked at the broken bed lamp and few books on the floor. I took a seat beside her and noticed how she was gripping the phone tightly in her hand. Instead of answering me, she handed me the phone and I turned it on, only to find an image of Felix with a bloody and swollen face.

"She's hurting them Scarlett... and I can't do anything to stop her," she mumbled dejectedly.

"Did she call you?" She nodded, "...what did she say?" She opened her mouth but close it eventually, and it took a brief moment before she spoke up.

"Nothing important," she answered, still staring ahead. I stared at her for a moment, trying to read her expression as I didn't think she was telling the truth. But instead of asking her, I pulled her to a hug, and kissed her head.

"Everything's going to be fine, Liv. We'll save them. I promise." I cooed her when she started sobbing against my chest, and all I could do was to comfort her silently as I didn't know what to say to ease the pain, even I was uncertain about the thing I just said to her.

She cried for few minutes until she calmed down and told her to take a nap. She argued at first but eventually gave up and asked me to stay till she fell asleep. Kissing her forehead, I slowly got off the bed and thought of going back to my work. When I reached downstairs, I immediately got to my phone and called Violet. It took a few minutes before the call patched through.

"Thank God, you answered! Where are you? I've been calling you for like forever, I need your help."

"Um, Scarlett, now's not a good time."

"What? Why?"

"I'm on a mission, I can't talk right now Scar. I'll call you later." Before I could respond, the line went dead as she hung up the call.

"The hell!" I snapped, shaking my head in disbelief. I couldn't believe Black really went out in abandoning us. Violet and the rest of the Violent Storm, they were all in missions, even the ones I knew I couldn't get through.

Clenching my jaw, I dialed Black's number and waited for him to answer. Yes, I didn't want to talk to him after our last encounter, but I had to, as I was desperate. Even if I had to apologize for my actions or beg for forgiveness, I would willingly do it as long as he would help me rescue the Coxs.

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