Chapter 9 "Just Another Ordinary Day"

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The familiar comfort of the place made me calm as we made our way to the living room. It has been months since I had been here and frankly I kind of missed this. I collapsed to the sofa while looking at Olivia who was curiously scanning around the room. A minute after, V returned from the bathroom bringing a first aid kit and towels. 

"Gosh, what happened to you? You are pretty beat up," V asked while started cleaning my wounds. Olivia flopped down to the sofa across me and looked at us.

"Got caught up in the moment. What about you?" I hissed when she pressed the swab a little harder on the cut.

"Sorry, what about me?"

"How is your assi-"

"Is there something I could eat? I'm famished!" My head snapped to Olivia's direction so as V who eyed her with a raised eyebrow when she butted in. Olivia looked at V expectantly as if waiting for her to answer. V didn't speak up, probably scrutinizing the girl sitting across. One of the things V hated the most was when people interrupt a conversation she was in. I put a hand on her arm, calming her down. 

"Food's in the kitchen, afterall, where would you usually find something to eat if not in there," V answered sarcastically earning her a glare from Olivia. She grudgingly stood up and stomped towards the kitchen but not after giving us one last huff. Remind me to teach Olivia how to minimize her bitchy attitude. 

"I know, she's a handful," I spoke when V gave me a questioning look.

"Thank God, they didn't assign me to her or else I would flip out." I chuckled while she continued cleaning my wound.

After a couple of minutes, V has already finished with my wounds so as Olivia who returned from the kitchen. As soon as they saw each other, tension has started to fill in the room. Too tired to deal with it, I stepped in between them. I turned towards V and she slightly shook my head, rolling her eyes. I heard Olivia snickered behind me.

"I had a long night, so if you don't mind, I would like to rest my eyes for a moment." V's face instantly lighted up.

"Yeah sure! My bed's still available, just like old times."

"What?!" Olivia snapped behind me. "You two slept together?"

Rolling my eyes, I stepped aside and faced her, "Yeah we did, so?"

"You can sleep on the spare bedroom, it'll be comfy," V chimed in.

"No! That won't do. What if someone would sneak in and kill me?"

I smiled, "Trust me, this is the safest place you could find. But you're right, I must be vigilant at all times, we'll never know."

"What? You can't be serious! She can always holler if someone would attack her," V interjected, looking pissed.

"How can I holler when I'm already dead, you dumb!" 

"Okay, enough!" I half-yelled, "V, Olivia and I will use the spare bedroom for the time being, it would be safer when I'm near her."

She huffed indignantly, "Fine, suit yourselves," with one last glare at Olivia's direction, she stomped outside.

We headed upstairs and made our way to our bedroom. I went straight to bed, slowly easing myself at the soft mattress. I didn't bother changing my clothes or taking a shower as I felt too exhausted to move. Olivia, on the other hand, went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. The steady hum of the streaming shower made me more drowsy. Soon after, I found myself falling asleep. 

I didn't know how long I was sleeping but it didn't take long for me to snap awake when I felt the side of the bed shifted. Olivia's surprised expression was blocking my view and before I could utter a word, she pulled away to her side of the bed.

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