Chapter 15 "On A Mission"

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(A pic of Scarlett on the media)


I roamed my eyes around the hall, spotting several guards stationing on either side of the area. It was what we thought, adding extra security considering there would be an important meeting later. Tilting my head slightly on the side, I brought my glass of champagne near my mouth so it wouldn't be obvious when I spoke through my earpiece.

"This would be an exciting night," I mumbled before taking a sip of my drink.

"I can't wait to go violent," Sean said jokingly on the other end. I looked further ahead and saw Sean serving drinks to the guests. He spotted me looking at him and he smirked.

"Well, we aren't called the Violent Storm for nothing," Darren joined in.

"Cheers to that," Violet said as she sidled beside me, "Did I mention how you look super hot in that red dress?"

I chuckled, "Yeah, that's the third time now. And you look sexy as hell in that black dress."

"Thank you," she curtsied frivolously. We clincked our glass and drank our champagne. I went back to scanning the area and not long after our target emerged through the door with a huge smile in his face as he greeted his guests. I looked to Violet briefly and nodded towards the target's direction to let her know. 

"Hmmm, he's sexy and manly." Violet complimented. Well she was right. Vladimir Sokolov did look good and younger than his age of thirty-five. He was a russian drug dealer and according to Violet's source a.k.a the Red Circle guy we captured, he was going to meet the notorious drug dealer and the Red Circle's ringleader, 'The Mother'. We had been chasing the Red Circle organization for three years now but with no such luck. Not only the Mother was always one step ahead of us but apparently, no one had seen what she really looked like except her high-ranked lackeys. If things go as planned then we might be able to capture 'The Mother'.

Violet and I mingled to some guests to entertain ourselves while we waited for the right time to act out. Actually, this party sucked, I mean parties like this only wealthy people could afford were way out of my league, it was boring, well except for watching those people who bragged about their riches.

"Oh your husband is sweet but mine's sweeter, guess what he got me on my birthday?" I rolled my eyes at the two women who were feigning excited about the reveal, "Well it wasn't much, he just gave me a yacht and he named it after me," she said looking smug.  A series of 'awww' erupted within our circle after the reveal, including Violet, but I knew she was just faking it.

Violet cleared her throat a moment after, silencing the women as they turned to her expectantly. "Well, aren't you poor ladies?.." their faces instantly turned sour, "...You all bragging about your husbands' riches but what about you wives? What have you given to yourselves that you can brag about? Isn't it more fulfilling when you can give something more than what your husbands give you, to yourselves?," she dabbed her fingers to her forehead as if wiping a sweat.

"And who do you think you are?" one of them asked, clearly pissed.

Violet smirked, flipping her hair, "Gosh, what a pity! Let's go Scarlett," I followed Violet, a triumphant smile written on my face as I felt proud of what she said to them. It was totally unexpected coming from her.

As long as we were out of earshot, we started chuckling. Sean passed by with a smirk on his face then Violet grabbed a glass of champagne from him. I smiled at her and said, "That was..."

"Burn!!" Sean finished. I nodded and we clinked glasses. Sean lingered for a moment but he had to go soon after since he was still on his fake duty.

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