Chapter 1 "Queen Bee"

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After looking at my face in the rearview mirror, checking my make up, I blew a silent kiss to my reflection before getting out of my red lamborghini. As soon as I got out, I felt the heat of the morning sun making me flip my hair from my shoulder to my back. I looked around and noticed few students hurrying to get to their classrooms. Some are eyeing my appearance but quickly looked down when I met their gazes. I smirked before strutting towards the entrance of the building. 

The clacking of my heels echoed throughout the silent hallway, letting everyone know that I already arrived. I loved moments like this when you were the only one walking down the hallway without students bumping you or the noises clogging your ears. Just being alone felt like I'm a queen solely strutting down the red carpet.

Of course it didn't last that long when someone blindly bumped into me. I almost stumbled back, luckily my reflexes took over and I was able to balance myself. I looked down to the girl who was on her butt on the floor and our gazes met. But she quickly averted her attention to the floor where her books were scattered. I knelt down on her level and helped get her things. I picked her notebook and three books and piled them up before handing it to her. She reluctantly looked at me then down to her things I was holding. I gave her a kind smile I could muster with a faint nod. When she was about to reach for her things, I jerked them towards me and immediately threw them far to the side. Pulling her attention to me, I tucked her chin between my fingers and gave her a death stare. Her eyes flash a frightened look behind her eyeglasses and her breaths became erratic. I silently applaud myself of how I could get a reaction like this just with a stare. 

Brushing some of her awful bangs to the side, I said, "If I were you, I would start hiding at my closet because if I ever see your face, I would gouge those pretty blue eyes of yours. Trust me, you don't wanna mess with me. Now shoo!!" Without second thought, she promptly stood up, gathered her things and scampered away like a cat. I laughed at how scared she was from my empty threat. It wasn't like I would literally gouge her eyes out, that was just disgusting. After my brief laughing fit, I stood up, wiping the side of my eyes, I then made my way again to my classroom.

I reached the room in no time and as often, I was being greeted by a closed door. Knocking twice, I heard the door knob being turned and I was welcomed by a familiar figure.

"I'm glad you decided to join us Ms. Cox," Mrs. Pierce said sarcastically. 

"Oh you know I love your lectures Mrs. P," I replied with the same mockery, "Now if you'll let me in, we both have classes to attend to," I added before making my way through the narrow gap between her figure and the door frame. I reached to my seat and before settling down, I winked at Brad, my boyfriend who was smiling at my boldness.

Lectures were boring as usual, they always made me feel sleepy all the time unless a test was going on, I would definitely be awake and active in cheating but other than that, it was meh! Why did they have to invent school anyway, it was hell. Hours passed and I already felt exhausted from sitting and being bored. I was now on my third and last subject in the morning and I was so eager to get out as I wasn't just exhausted from sitting, listening to discussions but also I was feeling a little hungry. 

Staring at the board, I pretended to listen to Mr. Dean, nodding at some point, but in reality, I was actually listening to Elle, my righthand girl and also a cheerleader, who was gossiping in a hush about a student who I didn't even know. It was interesting and way better than listening to Mr. D's boring discussions.

"Apparently Ace cheated on his girlfriend with a boy not from this school," Elle narrated into her little circle of spectator. Oh poor girl!, I thought. If Brad would do that to me, I would make his life hell and he would regret he girlfriend-ed me.

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