Chapter 14 "Complicated"

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(A pic of Olivia in the media)


Feeling her soft lips against mine, I moaned as a burst of excitement erupted in my stomach. My hands cupped her face instantly as I returned her kiss. She moaned as my tongue slid in to her mouth and played with her tongue. As my lust was going insane, I tried to take over the situation and leaned in, pushing her body to the couch and slowly trailed kisses to her neck, then to her chest and further down. She arched her back and moaned as my lips touched the hot skin of her stomach. I could also feel the heat emanating from my body, feeling her hands roamed where they wanted it to be. But before I could go further down, I felt myself being pulled up and we returned into kissing. I pulled away after some time, to catch my breath and so could she. Hovering above her, I stared at her deep blue eyes which seemed to captivate me more now that she wasn't wearing her glasses. 

"You're beautiful," I said slowly.  

She smiled, "So are you. I like you so much Samantha."

I smiled and brought my lips to hers, "I like you too!"

Wait, what?

Before I could take back what I just said, everything instantly faded into darkness. Feeling disoriented, I lurched forward, trying to grab or touch something but then I regretted it when I felt like I was falling and my side and head hit onto something. Prying my eyes open, I tried to blink the grogginess away and found myself on the floor. Great! I fell!

Groaning, I pushed myself up while rubbing my head.

"And she's finally awake with a bang!" Violet remarked as she poured coffee on her cup.

"Shut up V," I heaved myself up and sat on the couch, slumping my back on the backrest. I couldn't believe I just dreamed about Sara. It was such an intense dream, we didn't even had the chance to deepen the kiss.

"Why were you sleeping on the couch anyway?"

I sighed, "I'm giving her some space after what happened yesterday."

"Don't tell me she's scared of you?" she asked in a deadpanned tone.

"Yeah. Can't blame her though."

"The nerve of her," she mumbled before sipping her coffee. I got up and trudged towards her and sat on the chair. Sighing, I rested my head on my arms in the table and cursed silently when my dream flashed back. It was way too much, we just kissed and after Sara told me she liked me, her phone rang, thankfully. It could have gone worse, that phonecall saved me but I didn't know how long til my luck ran out because if given the chance, she would probably need an answer from me. 

"Hey, you okay?"

I looked up at Violet, "Can I tell you something?" She nodded eagerly. "Sara kissed me last night."

"What?" She looked at me incredulously.

"She kissed me and told me she likes me."

"Wow," She shook her head and sat down opposite me, "I don't know if I would be jealous over you or Sara..."

"Why would you be jealous over Sara?"

She snorted and sipped from her cup, "Well, I like Sara and I like you so basically I'm confused."

"Well enough about me. What about you? Did you crack the guy?" Seeing her smirked triumphantly, I could tell she was able to get information about the guy. 

"Yes and we got some planning to do. I guess it's time to bring back the Violent Storm!"


As we pulled up at the parking lot, Liv got off silently and walked off as if I wasn't with her. To say I was disappointed was an understatement, considering we haven't talk even some random things since last night. Sighing, I followed her then seconds after, Sara and Violet walked up beside me and together we entered the school building. Thankfully, Violet didn't leave Sara's side since earlier or else she would definitely talk to me, alone, which I was trying to avoid for now as my mind was a mess.

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