Chapter 34 "In Distress"

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(Spoiler alert:  I decided to kill off Olivia's bad.)


I took a deep breath, steeling myself, before entering her room. For four days I had been coming to her room, it was still hard for me to see her as it was my fault this happened to her. I failed to protect her and there was nothing more worse than what I felt everytime I saw her.

I sat on the chair beside her bed and looked at her pale face while I held her hand, giving it a light squeeze. I wanted her to feel me, I wanted her to know I was here, waiting for her to come back.

"'ve been sleeping for days now... when are you going to wake up?" I asked hopefully, trying to hold back a tear, "Come back to me, please? It's been...quiet without you and it's making me miserable." I kissed the back of her hand as the single tear finally escaped my eye. It pained me seeing her like this, I didn't know how long I could bear it. That day she got shot, was the day I realized something. It took me long enough to realize I was in love with her and I felt terrible because she just had to get shot to make me realize it. I was stupid and confused and now I feared that I wouldn't get a chance to show how much I cared about her.

"Liv, please...You promised me, remember? That you'll come back to me...and if you do that then I'll confess something... I'll only say it if you wake up come back."

Minutes passed, when all I could hear was the constant beeping of the machine, I found myself being pulled into slumber. For the past days, I wasn't able to get enough sleep as I was worried about Olivia's condition and safety. Negative thoughts were constantly plaguing me, rendering me restless all the time. What if her condition would change? What if she wouldn't wake up? What if it was too late for me to say I loved her? Just thinking about it made my heart constrict.

And talking about her safety, we were definitely vulnerable here. If Helena was still alive and knew we were here, she would probably send her lackeys to kill Olivia, and since I was physically and emotionally exhausted right now, I didn't think I could fully protect her even if I wanted to.

Still clasping Liv's hand, I leaned back on my seat and later found myself momentarily dozing off as I could barely keep myself awake. I didn't want to sleep as my mind was screaming to wake up and be alert, but my body could hardly keep up, it needed rest. And when I succumbed to exhaustion, the door suddenly creaked open making me jolt awake.

"Scarlett?" Violet called before appearing beside me, peering down, a concerned look on her face, "They're here." Hearing her, I took a deep breath preparing myself, before standing up. After what happened to Olivia, I didn't have the courage to face them or even look at them in the eyes for I also failed them for letting their daughter got hurt.

Giving Violet a nod, I walked to the door and into the hallway where I saw Olivia's parents rushing in my direction.

"Olivia?" Mrs. Cox asked urgently as her eyes were gleamed with tears.

I averted my gaze and tilted my head to the side, "She's inside." Without delay, Mrs. Cox rushed to the room, leaving me with Felix.

"We'll talk later Ms. Smith," he said as he looked at me with sympathy written in his expression. He put his hand on my shoulder, giving it a light squeeze, before following his wife inside. I turned to the closed door and heard Mrs. Cox's faint sobs inside which added to the guilt I was feeling. They didn't deserve this. Olivia didn't deserve any of this. She shouldn't be lying in a hospital bed, fighting for her life. And if I had done my job thoroughly, I could have prevented this from happening. Now, she could lose her life, and her parents could lose their daughter because I failed them. I failed her.

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