Chapter 18 "Little Plan"

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I stirred awake when I felt my head was about to explode because of the throbbing headache. I turned to my side and noticed that the her side of the bed was already empty. Wondering why she was up this early in a Saturday morning, I grabbed my phone on the nighstand and looked at the time. Well, I was wrong when I said early as it was already 11 in the morning. 

I sat up and leaned my back on the dashboard, feeling the heaviness and the unusual warmth of my body, although I was feeling a little cold. I dragged the cover over my body while I closed my eyes even for a moment. I heard the door open and judging by those light steps, I knew it was Olivia.     

"Oh you're up, I was about to wake you. Um,are you okay?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

I shook my head but didn't bother to open my eyes, "I'm not feeling well." I mumbled weakly. I heard her footsteps then I felt the side of the bed shifted. She touched my forehead then to my neck and as I opened my eyes, I realized how close her face was. 

"Yeah, you definitely have a fever but atleast you're not burning up." Her eyes found mine and stared at them briefly before she lowered their gaze to my lips. My eyes also travelled down to her lips and an urge to kiss her blossomed inside of me. I leaned in to kiss her but before my lips could touch hers, my head whipped to the side and... I sneezed. 

"What an unusual way to ruin the mood," she said, chuckling.

"Oh shut up," I retorted, smiling. She scooted away, leaving me a little disappointed by the sudden absence of her warmth. 

"Wait here, I'll be back with your brunch."

"Oh no need, I'll come with you. I have to get out of this bed for a while," I said, pushing myself off the bed, wrapping the cover around me at the same time. She was about to open her mouth to protest, but I raised my forefinger and walked towards her.

She shook her head, "Are you sure? You know I'd be happy to bring you brunch in bed," she said as she wiggled her brows. I rolled my eyes and followed her downstairs where I found Violet and Sara sitting in the living room.

"Oh you're here," Olivia uttered with an annoyed tone. Sara ignored her and peered at me but as she took in my appearance, a creased appeared between her brows. She bounced off from her seat and walked towards me. I heard Olivia mumbled something beside me but I ignored it.

"Are you feeling okay?" Sara asked and I nodded then covered my mouth when I let out a sneeze. 

"Come on Scarlett, you have to eat," Olivia started dragging me to the dining but I held her hand to stop. 

"Um, I don't really have an appetite right now." 

"But you have to eat. Why don't I make you something?" Sara offered, earning a sharp glare from Olivia. Noticing her burning glare, Sara mirrored Olivia's expression and once again, their staring contest started. Ugh, these two! I didn't know what to do to stop them from hating each other.

I cleared my throat, calling their attention, "Okay you two, that's enough. Like I said, I'm not going to eat, so why don't we just hang out in the living room and have fun..I guess?" I beamed at them, trying to look convincing although I wasn't convinced myself that it would be fun. Olivia snorted then crossed her arms over her chest. 

"What's the fun in hanging out with people I don't even like," Olivia retorted which made me roll my eyes in her sardonic tone.  

"You're right. For once, I agree with you," Sara seconded with a huff. As much as I wanted to be with them, I wasn't in the mood to argue. If they didn't want to be around with each other, then so be it. I was done with them. 

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