Chapter 13 "A Little Space And A Kiss"

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(A pic of Sara on the media)


As soon as we reached the parking lot, we immediately jumped in Sara's car since we didn't have any other choice but to use her car and made our way out of the school. I tracked down Violet's location, it pointed to some park near a suburban area which was minutes away, thankfully. As we were getting near the location, I couldn't help but feel the anticipation of getting into real action since I had been deprived from it for days, I just hoped I could get there in time.  But after all the anticipation, I was also feeling anxious bringing Liv with me, which I was putting her life at risk.

I stopped the car distance away from the park as I didn't want to get in action with Liv on my side. As I looked around the surrounding, it was pretty calm and empty which I suspected that those guys wanted to make it quiet, this was a perfect place. Turning to Liv, I pulled up a pocket knife from my boot and handed it to Liv. She looked surprised, her gaze flickered from the knife to me.

"You bring knife in school?"

"What? You prefer I bring a gun?"

She shook her head, "Wouldn't you get caught?"

"I know the guards. Now take it and stay in the car. Don't ever get out and if you see something suspicious, I want you to get away and drive as fast as you can... but don't get on an accident okay? I'll be right back." She nodded nervously and took the knife from my hand. I flashed one last smile at her before getting out of the car  and cautiously jogged to the park. From my position, I heard shots of guns in the distance as I pulled out the remaining pocket knife on my boot. 

I leaned in on a tree and peeked at the scene. It looked like Violet and the undercovers were barely holding their ground as they exchanged fires with seven guys, as I counted, in black suits. If I wouldn't act now, they would be surrounded, seeing that Violet and only two of the undercovers were shooting. That meant three of the undercovers were down. Without wasting any time, I rounded the area as I was planning to attack behind the enemies and take them by surprise. 

When I was positioned, I thought first on how should I attack. But when the shots stopped, I saw one of the bad guys motioned to close in. Didn't have much of a time, I leapt from the bush I had been hiding and immediately stabbed the nearest guy on his back and as he howled in pain, I pulled the knife and threw it to the guy who just turned, hitting him center on his chest. I raised the gun in the guy's hand whom I stabbed first as I used him as a shield, and fired it to two more. I dropped the guy as my shield and whisked to my back, kicking the gun that was about to be fired and sent another kick hitting the fifth enemy on his gut. He stumbled back and when I was about to send another attack, I heard the ground crunched behind me so I instantly slid my body on the hood of the van as he pulled the trigger, hitting his companion instead. I fell to the other side of the van where a surprised-looking guy stood tall but he quickly recovered and aimed his pistol at me. Too slow for my liking, I swiped him on his feet and he landed on his back, letting go of his gun which I quickly grabbed and shot the guy behind me who accidentally shot his friend before kicking to sleep the last guy on the ground. I was hoping to break some bad guy's leg but oh well!

"Nice save," Violet remarked when she stood in front of me. I nodded to the two undercovers who nodded back at me then turned to Violet.

"Glad I came here on time," I replied. I looked around at the bodies on the ground, "I see they sent a dozen guys to get rid of you in a quiet place with no cops intervention. They like it quiet."

"I know and they successfully killed three of our guys," she hissed. 

I walked around the first van and checked the inside for something but it was clean. The two undercovers checked the other van but no luck. "You think this is a trap set by Elle?"

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