Chapter 8 "Questions and Intruders"

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I nervously paced back and forth in my bedroom while waiting for Samantha to wake up. It has been hours since I shot her with the tranq gun and until now she was still unconscious. I had no idea how tranq guns worked and I was afraid that I put Samantha into a coma or something, if that was even possible.

Thankfully all my worries jumped out of the window when I saw Samantha yawned groggily. She was still half awake and tried to pry her arms free but failed. When she realized the state she was in, she sighed weakly.

"Duct tapes, really?"

"Why? Would you prefer I tied you with chains?"

"No, this is fine. Why are you doing this by the way?" she asked calmly. I was a little surprised she didn't squirm or wriggled in her chair which made me more curious. I dragged the chair beside me in front of Sam and sat on it, my arms rested on the backrest.

"I want to ask you questions and if you answer them, I'll set you free!" I frowned when a laugh escaped her throat. Was she insane or something? Didn't she realize the situation she was in? I mean I wasn't planning to hurt her but damn, wasn't this scenario scary enough for her? But if she really was that person who I thought she was then this was probably a playtime for her.

"Y-You really are s-something Olivia..." she said in between her laughs, "...God this is cute. If you have questions, you could have asked me like a normal person would do instead of shooting me with a tranq gun!" she suddenly growled.

"I'm sorry okay. Honestly, I regret using it on you, I thought I put you into a coma or something because you were out for hours and I didn't know what to do. Thankfully you're conscious now. And the reason I shot you in the first place is because I don't think you would answer my questions and I kind of wanted to try something cool, you know."

"Oh for fuck sake Olivia, that's just silly and uncool,"

My tongue clicked and I rolled my eyes, "Don't make me apologize again Samantha 'cause I won't and it was cool, for me," I said in a deadpan tone.

"Whatever, and just to let you know I woke up earlier but I decided to sleep right away and you can untie me now because I am not planning to not answer your questions." and yeah I was worried for nothing.

"Nope, I like you being tied up, now shall we start?"

"You're a psycho."

"Mmmm maybe. So what's your name?"

She snorted, "Samantha Flynn, you forgot,"

"I mean your real name," I said sternly. Her expression turned serious and she stared dead to my eyes. One minute she was chill and the next, she instantly turned serious. Her penetrating gaze sent a chilling sensation down to my spine. I wanted to look away but I chose not to. Even if those eyes were a little scary to look at, they were still the most beautiful.

"Scarlett Smith, that's my real name."

"I thought so..." her eyebrows slightly arched, "I heard dad called you that name, I thought he was mistaken but I guess he was right afterall. So how did my dad know your name and why you're using a fake one?"

"Your dad contacted the agency I come from and they sent me to protect you. As for the name, it was a need to keep my identity unknown to other people."

"That explains the bodyguards..." I mumbled under my breath, "...but why would my dad needed protection? and why would someone want me dead?"

"I'm afraid you have to ask your dad about that." What did my parents do this time?

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