Chapter 23 "Taken"

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I held Liv's hand and entwined my fingers to hers as she kept them fidgeting. I could tell she was nervous and just holding her clammy hand, proved it. She looked down at our entwined hands then met my gaze. I gave her a reassuring smile as my thumb drew circles on her skin, quietly saying that everything would be okay. She seemed to calm a bit and smiled in return. Honestly, she shouldn't feel nervous about this because she has been doing this for four years and always brought the squad to victory.

"Still nervous?" I asked, peering at her.

"A little. You know, I don't usually feel nervous going to the competition but this time, it's different. Bad people are after me and I can't shake the feeling that something's going to happen later." I nodded in understanding. I actually felt the same, although I wasn't nervous, I got the feeling that the Red Circle wouldn't set this one out as we were completely vulnerable in a different place and even if I asked the Undercovers' help, I wouldn't be too relax, not knowing the enemy's plan.

I wanted to reassure Liv that everything would be fine but even I, myself wasn't sure of it, so instead, I squeezed her hand, silently telling her I was going to protect her no matter what.

"I wish my parents would see me perform like they usually do," she said weakly.

"Hey, don't be sad, you know they can still see it."

"Yeah, but it's different than having them near..."

"I know and I wish the situation is different but just think that even if you're parents aren't around, I know they're proud of you as I am."

She plastered a small smile, "You always know how to make me feel better."

"I'm glad I could be of help." She scooted closer and rested her head to my shoulder. Smiling, I leaned my head to hers, inhaling the familiar scent of her shampoo while my heart was fluttering by our proximity. It always felt good to do this with her and I thought how nice it would be to stay like this for long. 

Few minutes passed as I was listening to the steady hum of the bus we were riding, I felt Liv shifted beside me  and she looked up.

"Violet would come with Sara right?" she asked making me roll my eyes. Just hearing Violet's name would remind me about how she easily lied to me. After hearing her confession that night of the attack, I felt like my world crumbled knowing that the person whom I loved once was keeping something from me and it wasn't just a small secret she had, it was about her, who she was and she kept it from me. I felt betrayed and since then, I didn't feel like talking to her. She often tried to talk to me but I couldn't will myself to have a conversation with her.

"Yes," I answered blandly.

"What really happened between you two?" 

I sighed, "Liv, you asked me that for several times and my answer is still the same. I.don' it okay?"

She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and averted her gaze. "Fine. I won't ask again," she said angrily.

The rest of the bus ride was spent in silence, aside from the constant chatters of the other dancers inside. I was having a good time with her and she just had to ruin the moment by bringing up Violet which she knew it would piss me off just by hearing that name.

We reached Lucas Hall Stadium where the cheer competition would be held and as soon as we got off the bus, Liv didn't bother to wait for me as she strode off inside, leaving me angry and disappointed. As I followed Liv, keeping a safe distance from her walking figure, Stephanie sidled beside me and started chatting but I didn't bother to whatever she was saying as I wasn't in the mood. All I got from her blabbering was her invitation to go clubbing later tonight. I didn't know if Stephanie was old enough to do that but I honestly didn't care because it looked like she has been in and out of the club.

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