Chapter 28 "Trick or Threat"

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Three days had passed since our little play and Violet had gone radio silence putting me on edge the whole time. Negative thoughts had crossed my mind, thinking that what if she had been caught by her mother? What if they hurt her now that they found out about our plan? And what if they would also hurt Olivia again? 

I was anxious the whole time, I couldn't just sit by, but as if Violet knew what I was going through, to my relief, she called me from a secured line earlier, letting me know she was coming over. I was reluctant at first because I didn't want to risk everything, putting her life and our plan in jeopardy. But in the end I relented when she mentioned that she found out something.

"Did Violet call already?" Sara asked as she descended the stairs, hair disheveled and her pjs wrinkled. 

I took a sip from my cup before looking up to her, "Oh you're awake. Yeah she did. She's on her way right now," I answered, flashing a small quick smile and she nodded before walking in my direction. For those three days, she had been constantly asking me about Violet which weirded me out for she didn't usually ask about Violet's well-being. She may be worried about her and so was I, it was just that the whole asking thing was new to me.

She then grabbed a cup and poured some of the coffee I made. 

"I'm glad she's okay," she mumbled.

I nodded, "Yeah, me too."

A comfortable silence took over as we both sat down, opposite each other. I could tell she was in deep thought as she was staring blankly into an empty space, holding her cup of coffee. I was curious about what she was thinking but I decided to stay quiet and thought about Olivia instead. I wondered how she was doing right now. The last time she saw me was when I got shot and pretended to be dead in front of her which was hard because I didn't want her to be devastated over nothing. I just hoped Violet had told her about that plan.

"Scarlett?" she spoke up, breaking me out of trance.

"Hmm?" I looked up, meeting her gaze.

She hesitated for a moment before opening her mouth. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you."

"Okay?" My forehead creased noticing her stern look. Whatever she wanted to tell me was probably a serious thing.

Her forefinger started tapping the brim of her cup as she briefly avoided my gaze. I patiently waited for her to speak up and when she looked back again, I gave her a faint nod, urging her.

She took a deep breath and steadied her gaze. "Violet and I, um...we kissed."

"Oh," was all I uttered as I simply stared at her. I admit she caught me off guard and now I didn't know what to say to her nor what to feel. I was confused.

"It was just a spurt of the moment. I swear that kiss means nothing to me," she quickly stated.

"Look,'s fine Sara... But I wish you could have told me sooner. I won't get mad or anything if that's what you were thinking."

"I'm sorry, I know I should have told you sooner." 

I shook my head, "No, there's nothing to apologize Sara. We're not in a relationship or something, so it's fine." I admit I felt a pang of jealousy. I liked Sara, I was attracted to her, that I couldn't deny. But right now, the jealousy was mixed with something else...blithe, after all, I was hoping that Violet would find some girl that could make her happy and I got the feeling that it was Sara, and just knowing it made me happy. So, I was jealous but happy at the same time which was confusing. 

"So how was it? The kiss?" I teased, grinning at the same time to lighten the mood. She blushed instantly and sipped from her cup. I smiled watching her acting so adorable. 

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