Chapter 21

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Athena's POV

"Do you have any plans today? " I asked him, taking a sip from my teacup.

"I don't." he answered and I hummed in reply.

"Then would you mind accompanying me somewhere? "

"I won't mind. I would love to. " he answered almost immediately. Dear gods this man would be the death of me.

"Great. " I nodded and the rest of the remaining hours of our "quality time" [as Frankenstein would call it...not my words (-///-)] were just us trying to not be awkward with one another.... Or is it just me?

"So, let me just recap what you just did. You just asked master to, I quote, "accompany you" in a few hours to who-knows-where...just the two of you? " Frankenstein asked me the moment I arrived in the kitchen and he just so happened to be there.

"Yup, that's basically what I did. " I told him.

"Isn't that like you're asking him on a date? "

"What's a date? " I asked with a raised eyebrow. He looked at me as if I was the dumbest person he ever knew for not knowing that word.

Well excuse me for not being you Frankenstein!

"You know almost all of the languages of the other places that you have visited over the past hundred years and you don't know that very important word? " Frankenstein sighed.

"It's not like it's the end of the world if I don't know. " I muttered under my breath. "What is a date anyways? " I added, determined to know the meaning of the word.

"Humans use that word when they want to get to know the other person on another level. Usually that happens between two people who have romantic interests. " he replied.

1...2....3....."Huh? "

Frankenstein sighed again, "It's for people who are in love with one another to get to know each other better. "

Realization struck me like lighting.

"Ehhhhhh!?!??? " I screamed comically, hands on each side of my face to further express what I'm feeling right now...and desperately trying and failing to surpress the growing blush on my face.

"Who knew you were dumb AND dense. "

"Shut up! "

Frankenstein chuckled but then he turned serious, "Well, what are your plans? "

"My plans? "

Frankenstein nodded. I thought about it for a while then I replied, "Well, I guess you can say that I more or less have a plan on what we're going to do. "

"Well, whatever you do, I trust you will keep him safe. "

"Always. "

"Good luck on your date. " he winked

I blushed and punched him lightly on the shoulder, "Shut up. "


"We're almost there. Just a few steps more. "

It's been a few hours since Raizel and I left the mansion and headed somewhere east. The journey was quiet (because Raizel is Raizel and I was too shy to start a conversation with him, not that I'd admit that out loud) but it was alright.

I pushed away some vines and squinted my eyes a bit. I swear it was here somewhere....

Looking around a bit more, I managed to find the stone that I had to touch to gain entrance to my house.

"We're here. "

Raizel remained quiet as I opened the seal that restrained others from seeing my house. 2 people only knew about this place since the massacre. One is myself and the the other is the Lord.

Now, there are three of us.

"Let me formally welcome you to the Alstreim Mansion. "

The house remained the same despite me not visiting it for hundreds of years. I didn't want to recall the memories of how it went from a happy morning to a bloody evening.

I gave him a mini tour of the house, purposely avoiding the places that still had a sore spot in me. Raizel understood though and didn't pry. Ugh, this man is so perfect.

How many times have I said that already?

It was almost midnight when I decided to led him to where I wanted him to go.

"Where are we going?" Raizel asked me.

"A very important place. " I replied, "I want you to meet somebody. "

I led him to the cave where I had my most painful memory. The cave wasn't the same as it was before but I could still remember everything that transpired as if it happened yesterday.

Everything was different from how it looked before.

The stalactites weren't there anymore. And the stone table was destroyed. The statue of the woman wasn't there anymore too.

Raizel took his time to look at his surroundings. I did too. I missed this place. Casper and I came here and had great time before it happened.

"It's beautiful. " I heard him say. I smiled, "Thank you. " I turned my heel and motioned him to follow, "Come, there is someone I want you to meet."

I led him to the other side of the cave, which revealed a large flower garden...or that's what it was before. Now I converted it to a cemetery where I placed the dead bodies of my comrades, my parents, my people.

"It's my first time visiting this place again. " I told him while facing my parents' grave, "They would be upset with me and would probably scold me for not spending some time with them. "

"I'm sure they are very happy right now. " I heard him say, much to my surprise, "And I'm sure that they are very much proud of how a strong of a woman you have become. "

I pursed my lips, trying desperately not to cry buckets of pent up tears.

"Come, I haven't introduced you to him yet."

A few steps from where we were standing was a grave that was placed under a statue of a woman with cracks and some parts of her missing.

I knelt down and dusted his grave.

"Cadis Etrama di Raizel, this is my very important person... " I began.

Just before I could continue, a gust of wind blew from who knows where and just beside the statue, an astral form of a familiar figure stood.

"You are---! " (that's me.)

He smiled, "Hello Noona, you came like you promised. " The figure returned his gaze to the Noblesse.

Bowing respectfully, he said, "A pleasure to finally meet your acquaintance. My name is Casper Lucas Alstreim and I'm Noona's younger adoptive brother. "

Things just got more and more complicated....

Sup folks!! Finally I got these ideas out. Sorry if they're a bit weird and the characters might be a bit OOC or what. Anyways, thanks for reading the story and continuing to support the story. You guys are the best!

Till next time..

Luv lots 😘😘

P. S
Do you guys know any good anime cover shops or whatnot? Our cover needs to upgrade doesn't it? 🤔

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