Chapter 11 Part 2

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Athena's POV

[P.S This is still a flashback okay?]

I looked at him and saw his face change to those of confusion. I opened my mouth and told him softly, "Sit down." The grass was still wet but nevertheless, both of us made ourselves comfortable. Casper was sitting right in front of me, saying nothing. Chaos was just outside our door yet here we are. It's funny isn't it?

"Long ago, right after mother bore me," I began softly, "I fell ill."

Casper's eyes widened, "Ill?" I nodded and started to remember the history of my birth and how everything up until now came to be, "It was unusual. 'How can a noble fall ill?' especially those of our bloodline?" I chuckled,"But here I was, struggling to hold on to my life. Father called the attention of every healer he knows, anyone, who could be able to help me but no one was even able to determine what was going on."

Father was very worried. Mother couldn't bear another child. She would die, but that was the least of his problems. His firstborn, his heiress, was dying and no one can help him. "Father became desperate. He didn't know what else to do, that is until one day, a possibility came before him."

"A possibility?" Casper's forehead creased. I nodded, "Yes and that possibility involved getting his hands on a sacred rune from an ancient cave that led to countless threats towards him and his family and casting upon a curse to his family." I smiled at him, "Don't worry, it only affects those of the main bloodline. You're safe Casper."

"Anyways, the curse involved the extinction of our clan and another that I can never tell you about." I opened the collar where my collarbone was exposed and there the diamon-shaped rune lay at the center, "As long as the rune remains in my body, I will live and I won't be consumed by my powers. However, if it is removed, I am given 3 days to live."

"Your powers..." Casper whispered, "What are they?"

I gave him a closed eyed smile, "That is a story of another time." I stood up and dusted my white dress and extended my hands to him, "Then, let's go? The curse is still in effect until sunrise so it's best if we get a move on."

"But you know..." He muttered and gripped the hem of my dress, "Even if you were the devil, I will always protect you." He gave me one of his most beautiful smiles that he reserved only for me and nobody else, "You're my lady..." I glared at him and he chuckled, "of course, as well as my beloved sister who'll always protect me from monsters."

I rolled my eyes at him, "You sound like you haven't aged at all." He pouted, "Ehh? What does that mean?"

I chuckled at his cute expression and turned around, looking at any place that could be our escape route. Just when he stood up, an arrow came out of nowhere and hit him by his shoulders. My eyes widened and so where his. His body fell down at the impact of the arrow. Everything was a blur. A horde of hooded men were surrounding us by the minute. There was no escape!

"Casper!" I rushed to his aid. His shoulders are bleeding quickly, 'The arrow must've went through his shoulders!' I thought to myself while gritting my teeth in frustration. I ripped off a part of my dress and covered his wound. The hooded men summoned their Soul Weapon and started aiming towards my direction. I cast a barrier to protect us as they attacked us one after another. They were strong! I can feel it.

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