Chapter 2

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[Athena's POV]

Dear gods I swear I look utterly pathetic right now. In front of me was the Lord while surrounding me are the rest of the Clan Leaders. Of course, they are confused as to why they were summoned so suddenly but I'm sure the Lord is going to shock them with the news. Sigh, Urokai is going to be soooo pissed.

"Ahh finally!" The Lord broke the icy silence, "Wow, you guys took forever to get here."

"Lord, may I ask why have you summoned us?" Ahh, always straight to the point, Gejutel K. Landegre. The rest of the Clan Leaders remained silent, waiting for the Lord to answer the question that had fogged their minds ever since they were summoned. The Lord chuckled, not noticing my discomfort in this situation at all, "Well, first off I would like to ask all of you a favor?"

"A favor Lord?"

The Lord nodded, "Yes, the following announcement might serve to be quite shocking so I suggest you all be calm and open okay?"

Oh boy, here it goes... "I am sending Athena Genesis Alstreim to live in the Noblesse's mansion until prior notice."

Bam, all hell broke loose. First Urokai reacted as I predicted. He went from "What!? Why?!" to "No funny business." With the I'm-watching-you sign. The others were either too shocked to even react or the information still hasn't sunk to their system yet. Example for the latter is Edian Drosai who still hasn't moved on.

I am currently in the courtyard with my close friend Lazark and a young Rael Kertia, both are sons of the current leader of the Kertia Clan, my mentor in enhancing my speed, Ragar Kertia.

"When will you be leaving?" he asked me. Little Rael just played with the present that I gave him. Isn't he adorable?

"Probably soon." I answered with a shrug. He just looked at me then turned to the horizon. We never speak all that much but we enjoy each other's company. He talks sometimes but he knows when and when not to talk. Not because he feels that I wouldn't appreciate what he would say but he knows that I already have the answer so he doesn't need to tell it to me.

However, little Rael seems to be the opposite of his brother as I felt a light tug on my dress, "Unni, you're leaving?"

I smiled and bent to his level. Ruffling his hair I bit, I nodded, "Yeah, unni would be staying at a very important person's house from now on." He turned sad so I continued, "But don't worry. I'll make sure to visit you as I can."

After that, Lazark and I went out strolling through the woods when we heard a loud bang amongst the trees. My instincts chimed in and I immediately sprinted towards the sound. What I saw next was something I can never forget in my entire life. Just above me was the man I was supposed to be living with and another one who looked just like him. They were both in their winged form and from the looks of things, this isn't going to be a friendly par.

They were conversing something but I couldn't hear it all that well. All I heard was that the older one doesn't want the younger one to meet him like this and that he was doing it for their kind but the younger one disagreed, saying that his world only has the nobles as its inhabitants. Just a few steps from where I am standing, I saw Edian come out from the trees and she looked as shocked as I was...or was it guilt?

The next thing I knew, everything turned haywire and I lost consciousness.
I woke up only to find myself back inside the walls of my home, with Lazark, Rael, Raskreia, Gejutel and the Lord all anxiously looking at me. I tried standing up but they insisted that I should rest. I asked them what happened and Gejutel was the one who answered.

"We don't know much about the details but all we know is that when Lazark arrived the place was in chaos and he found you laying on the ground unconscious."

His face turned grim afterwards and didn't say anything else. My head was killing me. Raskreia and Rael insisted that they spend the night with me and their guardians had no choice but to consent. Raskreia was a bit older than Rael but they get along just fine, well, in taking care of me that is.

That night I ended up thinking of what happened. The funny thing was there was nothing to think about since I seem to can't remember anything, as if something is preventing me from remembering what happened.

"This is getting me nowhere."
I whispered to myself as I stood up from the bed where my two caretakers are currently resting on and made my way to my garden.

One of my favorite hobbies is to tend to the plants the same way I tend to my clan members; care, love and respect. In my garden I have varieties of flowers; dandelions, roses, tulips, and many more. But among all of my flowers I only had one favorite. I call it Sapphire, like my birthstone.

Sapphire, as it name means, is a blue colored flower that has a very unique center. The center would often change its color depending on the mood of the nearest living organism. Usually, when nothing surrounds it it turns white. I happened to find one in one of my travels and had tended to it very carefully. It's a sensitive plant and requires great attention.

I sat on one of the stone chairs of the garden and gathered my thoughts. It had been a very tiring day and a lot (I think) had happened and would probably happen. "I should stop thinking about it for a while." And before I knew it, I fell asleep.

Hey there guys! Before anything else, I would just like to say that this story is also available in Quotev where I originally wrote this fanfic. I would be updating this fanfiction the same day I update there. Don't forget to comment, like, love and whatnot! Luv ya!

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