Chapter 18

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Athena's POV

After giving Frankenstein an earful (seriously, that guy keeps on barging in at the wrong timing!),  I went inside my room to take a breather.

I'm trying to save you from a fight that doesn't concern you!

I love you noona.

It hurts in here whenever I see that I can't do anything to ease your sufferings...

I will protect you.

Both of them are so alike... They both want to protect me. Casper died protecting me and I couldn't do anything.

But I wouldn't let that happen again.

I opened a portal that led to the dimension where Shu was at. The scenery wasn't like before; dark and empty but rather it protrayed the sea and a sunset. Shu was just standing on a cliff looking at the sunset.

"It's so beautiful. " he muttered, "Even though it will disappear and be replaced with the moon, it still manages to be beautiful. "

Even though nobody told me to I spoke, "But it will still come back. It will always come back. "

"But it will never be the same. "

I stared at Shuu's figure. He looked so lonely and sad. He reminds me of Raizel.

"So what brings you here? " he asked me, now giving me his full attention.

"I'm sure you already know this but just recently, I managed to gain access to my family archive...and found nothing. "

He nodded, "Yup, I know about that. "

"I just don't understand. " I said, clearly frustrated, "I looked everywhere but....arrggh, it just doesn't make any sense! "

Shu, on the other hand, remained calm but it was clear in his eyes that he too was disturbed, "Why would the clan leader put a special seal in a place where there's nothing there to begin with? "

"Don't you think---! "


Both of us turned around and stared at an empty space behind us.

"Did you feel it too? " I asked him. He nodded, "Yeah. I felt that somebody was listening to us. "

"But this is a separate place. " I told him, "No one except from you and I who can enter here. "

He said nothing but his eyes remained glued to the place where we felt that we were being watched. He only diverted his gaze when he instructed me, " Go back to the mansion. "


"Just go! "

"Why? "

He looked at me and I flinched at his gaze. No, it wasn't the usual calm Shu that was telling me to go but rather...

"If you don't want your beloved to get involved in this mess then it is best that you do as I say. "


I stared at the tea that settled on the tray that I was holding. The water showed ripples, telling me that my shaking was obvious.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and knocked the door,  "I'm coming in. "

"I'm telling you, you should come visit. It's been too long. " a familiar voice echoed.


I set the tray on top of a nearby table and greeted the two beings in front of me, "Good evening sir Raizel, sir Muzaka."

"Ah, " Muzaka smiled, "Hey there  Athena. Enough with the formalities, it makes me feel old. "

"But you are old. " I told him and an imaginary arrow pierced through his chest.

"I would prefer the term young one." he said

"or young-once. " I added, internally I was laughing at my own joke.

Muzaka chuckled, "Whatever. At least I'm still handsome, right Raizel? "


I rolled my eyes,  "Whatever you say, Oh great one. " then I remembered, "Oh yeah, how's Ashley? "

"She's doing great. " he replied, his eyes twinkling at the mention of the brunette, "She keeps on asking about when you'll be able to visit her. She misses her noona you know. "

I smiled, "I know. I'll try to visit once I settled things from here. "

"Why? Is there a problem? "

I shook my head, dismissive,"No, nothing at all. "

But Muzaka being the wise old dude saw through that but didn't pry.

"Alright,  alright. I won't force you if you don't want to. Just make sure you're not carrying it all on your own.  You're not alone anymore you know. "

I stared at his gray eyes and it was filled with compassion for a friend. I was touched that he thought of me as such. I haven't heard that word, at least when referring to myself, in centuries. And it felt good.

"You should come visit us, " Muzaka said, "We're planning on moving again. "

I looked at him, a bit sad but I understood why they had to keep on moving from place to place. Muzaka left the werewolves to take care of his daughter. They're being targeted so they need to leave as soon as Muzaka knows that that place isn't safe for Ashley anymore.

I thought things over and came to a decision.

"Just give me a minute. " I told him as I turned around and went to the kitchen. Before I was completely out of earshot I overheard them talking.

"I'll be leaving soon. Better take care of yourself while I'm gone. "

"Muzaka... "

I could feel Muzaka grin, "Don't worry. You have Athena now. I'm sure you won't be sad anymore. "


I haven't noticed that one by one my tears were falling to the floor. They kept on gushing out like a broken faucet. What's happening?

The room was filled in a bright light and it disappeared as fast as it came.

"No... "

Sumimasen minna!  🙇

School is just so... Errrr stressful. Don't worry, I'm planning on finishing this. By the way, the story reached 6k hurray! I'm so glad that there are a lot of you who appreciates my story even though it's really out of context :3

This is just the beginning everyone. There's a lot more ahead .😁

Again, thank you!

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