Chapter 15

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Athena's POV

Ever since that day everything had been pretty normal do far. Except for Shuu constantly invading my mind every so often, but only because he's bored.

"Just because we're Soul Weapons doesn't mean that we're inanimate objects. We get bored too. "

I've met the others as well and surprise, surprise! They're just his clones who developed their own self-awareness. They don't have names and Shuu said that I can call them whatever I want. So since I am free right now, I decided to go the the library to search for some good names.

I opened the door leading to the large room of books and immediately spotted a familiar raven-haired master,  "Sir Raizel. "

It seemed loud enough for him to hear because his attention diverted from the book to me. A smile emerged from his features,  "Athena. " he said.

Dugdug, Dugdug. My heartbeat is so loud I swear he can hear it even at that distance. I blushed and even fidgeted a little bit, contemplating on what to say. Over the past few days he's been quite, how do you say this, affectionate or would you count as smiling visibly and talking a bit longer than usual as affectionate? Other than that, he said that he wants to go to the garden with me and watch me tend the flowers.

Now tell me, how do I react to that?


"Are you alright? " he asked, his presence suddenly became near. "!" I was shocked when I noticed that he was already right in front of me, looking straight into my eyes. My heartbeat quickened and my mind is in rambles as I tried to sort out my reply,  "Y-Yes, of course I am! "

Okay, that came out a little too loudly and the way I made it sound is like I'm trying to hide something. But he doesn't know that.

Thank the gods he's innocent despite his age.

"What are you doing here? " he asks me, his eyes now in the book in his hands. I scanned the shelves while answering impulsively, "I'm looking for names."

"Names? "

I nodded,  "Yeah,  names for the--! " It was then that I realized that I nearly spurt out something that shouldn't be said. I saw his eyes narrow a bit in confusion (and by a bit, I mean if you look at it closely since he doesn't let it show so obviously).

I shut my mouth and stayed still, silently apologizing for keeping a secret from him till I heard him say,  "You don't need to tell me if you don't want to. I will wait until you're ready. "

This is one of the things that I admire about him. Okay, okay, this is one of the things that I love about him. Happy?

He's so nice, thoughtful; I don't know. He's just so perfect!

"I'll wait for you. "

I didn't notice that I was actually walking towards him. Slowly my hand made its way to his face, taking him by surprise.

My mouth opened, "I--"

I blinked and then I realized what I was doing. I quickly retracted my hand and bowed 90°, "I'm so sorry! I-I-I, that was--umm."

I don't know what else to do but ran outside the library. My face is heating up and my mind is a mess. Did I just nearly??? Oh my gods!

When I arrived at my secret place, I let out a groan and covered my face with my hands in embarassment.

"What the hell were you thinking? "I said to myself, "You of all people know that what you're feeling towards him is forbidden. It shouldn't happen. You'll only be a liability, a weakness. "

My heart protested against my head, continuoudly beating at an unbelievable speed. I clenched the area where it was located and whispered to the air, "I'm in love with someone who has to much on his shoulders. "

I looked up to the sky and whispered, as if expecting someone is listening, "What should I do? "

Should I fight this feeling to protect him? Or....what?

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