Chapter 7

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Athena's POV

Sir Raizel is out for today. Why? It's because the Lord summoned and practically begged him to "at least" stay in the castle and have a "short talk" and that they have something "important" to talk about. I took my golden pocket watch and glanced at the time.

2hours had passed since he left.

I'm beginning to get bored and I did everything I could ever think of in the past two hours: sweeping, dusting, rearranging, weeding, wiping the furniture and windows, aaand washing his clothes (even though they don't need washing).

What else is there to do?

I took a stroll by his library. There were plenty of books so I believe that this is the perfect place to find something. I grabbed one randomly and turned the page....

"Why are the people here naked and exposed?" I asked myself, obviously weirded out.

I may have travelled to places but I didn't stay long to read. I returned the book back to its shelf and scanned for another. One thing that caught my eye is the combination of beautiful colors.

"Flowers..." I muttered under my breath then I remembered passing by the garden behind the mansion. It was large but it was empty. An idea came into mind, What if I plant flowers on the garden? Sir Raizel would definitely be surprised.

Nodding in agreement to my thoughts, I began walking but stopped halfway. I tilted my head a bit when a thought came into mind, "But...I don't to do gardening."

Embarrassing but true. My Mom was the plant lover; she would fill our house with beautifully arranged flowers every week and she can do it all by herself.

And besides, where can I find the seeds to plant the garden wit---??

*knock *knock

I turned my attention to the direction where the knocking continued. That's weird, who could it be? I searched within my memory if there was someone who planned to visit Sir Raizel today and had not been informed that he is at the castle. Finding none, I was beginning to get suspicious; no one is allowed to come here without informing me first.

Convinced that it may be an intruder, I walked towards the balcony that gave me the perfect view of the front door. I raised my eyebrow in confusion when I found no one standing there. A conclusion came into mind and it brought shivers to my spine, Good gods, let it be anyone or anything but ghosts!

I admit that I, Athena Genesis Alstreim, a Noble Clan Leader of Lukedonia am deathly afraid of the supernatural beings that humans call ghosts. Err just the idea of them popping out in front of me makes me flinch and to make things worse, I'm all alone!

I gulped and slowly walked backwards towards the door that led to the staircase when I heard footsteps not too far from my location.

*dugdug *dugdug

Though afraid my pride wouldn't allow me to cower in fear so instead I walked to the direction of the sound that led me to a door at the near end of the mansion.

It's all or nothing.

Sweaty hands reached for the door knob and twisted it hesitantly, half expecting that an ugly disfigured face will jump out out of nowhere and send me to my early grave (not that I need one anyways).

Closing my eyes, I immediately pushed the door open and the face that I saw did a great job in making me so shocked that I punched it straight without thinking twice.

"Jeez, is your arm made out of steel or something?"


"What the hell?"

Hey guys! I managed to find some time to make this chapter so here it is. Anyways, who do you think is this? The first person who gets it right, the next chapter will be dedicated to you and you get to name the next chapter!

Sounds good? Hope so haha.

P.S  If you're going to answer an OC, do not forget to write a name. Who knows? Maybe I'll use it for another character *wink

Have a great day!

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