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There was nothing but silence, it's been 3 hours since Meghan left. I payed in bed with the lights out and myself already tucked in. I couldn't get any sleep, I wasn't tired. I usually only sleep when I'm all tired out and apparently what happened today didn't just about do it.
I turned over to the left, then back to the right, facing the window. The blinds were up so I can watch what's going on outside, my only view was the rooftop of the backyard patio and nick. Standing in the corner disguised as a small cactus. He stood perfectly still even.
I sighed.
What's going to happen. How will we defeat this thing...what if we do kill it, will everything go back to normal? Would they actually bring me to their leader? Or would I just be forced to be left behind and forgotten. What if we loose. What if I die. Will Meghan and the others find other humans? Will they bring more aliens to help out?
Thoughts filled my head. The famous question of "what if's" took most of it....

I grabbed my phone to look at the time..
I can't sleep. I gotta sleep we have a big day tomorrow. Who knows what's gonna happen, what do they have in mind...
I sat up on my bed and stared down the window.
I had nothing better to do. I don't even know when Meghan and grace is gonna come back.
I stood up and walked over to the window and opened it, nick quickly turned to look up at me.
I grabbed my blanket and crawled out the window onto my roof patio. Setting down the blanket, I sat on top of it.

Nick turned back into his original form & decided to join me.
"Why yo so late? Isn't it required for young adults like you to sleep at this hour?"
He crawled on the blanket sitting next to me, I gave him room just to do so.
"I'm just not tired, I guess my mind has been keeping me up.."
I was actually quite surprised i can finally talk to nick normally, instead of looking at him as if he's an alien, I guess his presence gave me a little bit of comfort. "Today has been a long day, I guess I'm just scared for the future"

Nick looked at me then looked up at the stars. "I see, this is completely normal....you are no different than I am when I was a few decades younger."
"What happened back then?"
"It was my first mission to help stop this thing. I teamed up with grace and Meghan. Veronica wasn't born then.
But I have been assigned to this group, they have mentioned it was because of the strength of my vines and how fast they move and the multiple plants I can transform into."
I glanced over at him amazed "wow..that's interesting...how did the mission go for you?"
Nick chuckled before facing me.
"It was pretty interesting, I was helping out grace sexually satisfying the monster, but I had some trouble since I didn't know how exactly it was going..it even have ripped my insides a bit, I had to take cover and heal before coming back.."
"Woah there......you..you had a tentacle inside you?"
"Oh yes!" He said with pride. "Back then I had myself in my female form.. it helped me last longer..being a male is more harder, I have reflexes and it won't end too good if i used them.."
I completely forgot he can turn into a female, he's a plant of course...plants are both male and female......lord.
Though I was a huge help because of my tentacles I could act for about 20 vaginas, doesn't take long to rip apart, it destroys them before I could let loose and take a rest..but now I'm worthy enough to go for the insides and help guide Veronica and Meghan with it."

I thought for a second... "that's amazing...I certainly hope I'll be capable to stop it...I'm actually really scared...that I might get ripped open.. what if it kills me.."
I looked at him in the eyes "what if I don't make it back! Are you going to replace me? Am I just going drop dead being watched? What if it doesn't like me and prefers something else? I...I don't know what to do"
Nick stayed quiet for a few seconds before answering
"All you can pretty much do is practice and hope.. if you really want to make it out of there alive your going to have to give him some good moves, from what I heard, Meghan mentioned you did alright on your own. But you have been going gently, though the sounds you make would be very pleasing to ears of the monster-"
I face palmed, covering my face in embarrassment.. "s-she said that........."
Nick lifted my chin to face him, he spoke before letting go "there's nothing to be embarrassed about, tis  great news. You might have a chance..."
I sighed. I-I guess I'm going to have to get used to it...but how... what can I do to practice, I hope it will be nothing bizarre."
Nick thought for a moment, "actually Meghan hasn't even thought of anything yet. We are still wondering what there is out there that can help you, that's the reason she had left for the night.."
I say there and looked up at the stars...." know one way to practice but..it would be too embarrassing to do so...."
"Oh? Tell me"

"N-no I shouldn't it's not a good idea I'm sure we can find something more doable... haha"
Nick full bodied faced me
"Lily, we must know..we are open for any option...this is for your own good"
I didn't want to say it, I didn't even want to do it...but I guess I have no choice at this point...
"I......I was thinking maybe you..can do it with..meeee.."
There was awkward silence for about a few seconds
"N-NOT THAT I WANT TO I PROMISE YOU I REALLY DONT! It was just a small thought! Yknow cause you have tentacles and all! We don't have to there's always other options I'm sur-"
Nick interrupted "oh my..I'm honored"
A tentacle stretched out his back and and made its way to the front of us."thats actually not a abad idea....though I'm sure it's against the laws of the universe for somebody like me to have intercourse with you..."

I reached out my hand to touch his tentacle.. it was soft and warm, a bit fuzzy even, though very flexible..
"I see.." I sighed in relief "then I guess were going to have to find some other thing.."
"BUT" nick interrupted again. "I'm sure it's only illegal if I impregnate you, and us plants can't impregnate anyone but ourselves..so there is a possible chance that it's allowed."
My heart sunk.
Fuck fuck fuck. I gave him the idea..I should have kept my mouth shut..
Nick slowly pushed me down just to then pin me down.. four tentacles stretched out from his back two fused together to make it thicker, "then...why wait, shall we get started?"

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