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During the walk home (30 min walk) Meghan had explained to me what's going to happen and who the friends of hers are and what they're exactly capable of. It sounded a bit funny to me...I kept notes in my mind to make sure I didn't forget their name or any small detail about them.

1. Zarhu
(Human name: nick)
-female/male (plants can reproduce by themselves)
-plant species
-can form into any given object as well as a shape of a man but cannot change color.

2.  Lopol
(Human name: grace)
-Element species (rare)
-can take in any element from the periodic table, but can only up to two elements mixed at the same time.
Can take in Any shape or form as well as turning into human

3. Reinwa
(Human name: veronica)
-never heard of alien species
-can do illusions, can make others around her see that she is in a shape of a human when she's still being herself.

4. Meghan
(Alien name: ???)
-lives in nearby universe
-able to control dreams and has some illusion all powers

They seemed pretty nice,  personality wise but I was unsure on how they will react when they found out a human is capable of helping stop this thing. It was actually pretty interesting to listen too, knowing there's millions of alien species out there...these four are the ones who were chosen to stop this thing completely ruining lives of others by multiplying. I began to feel more comfortable around Meghan even with the thought that she isn't human stuck in my head.
As I put in the key to go into the house we immediately went upstairs and put our things down not sure what to do next.
Meghan flopped on my bed and rolled around "ahhhhhhhh it feel cool"
I sat on top of the bed next to her "yeah I'm so glad it's Friday..I get to sleep in~"
Meghan sat up to face me "oh sleeping in this weekend we have some work to do sweetie..speaking of work I should invite the others now." Meghan pulled out her weird phone from her back pocket, the one I saw in my dream last time. She typed something and sent it then put it back in her pocket. "That was fast" I said. Meghan gave me a smirk. now..let's see them they should be here any minute!.
Meghan grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed forcing me to follow her back downstairs to outside. As we stepped into the front porch Meghan face lightened up as if there was something she was waiting for has finally arrived. Meghan squealed "THEYRE HERE!!"
I jerked my head upwards looking around.. I didn't see anything.. I looked around more confused.
Meghan sighed "come one guys don't be shy I already powdered her vision.! It's safe~"
Before I knew it I saw something move in the corner of my eye. I quickly went to face that. It was a pot in the corner of my porch, the plant in there was growing vines, and fast too. I took a few steps back a little afraid of what I was witnessing, at the same time the wind blew stronger and had the feeling of somebody watching me from behind.
Meghan smiled as we both watched the plant grow hands and a head and legs until it went into a full human form. My jaw dropped, the wind stopped and I immediately felt a hand on my shoulder, I screamed and quickly turned to see who it is. There were two girls, one sitting on one of the chairs and the other standing right behind me, I held onto Meghan not believing what I saw.... no words came out of my mouth. Meghan clapped and reached out to everyone for a group hug "ahhh!!! What a beautiful entrance I can't believe you actually did it!"
Everybody smiled and moved in towards me and Meghan opening their human arms and giving her a deep hug, I stepped back of course.
"Nulyon!! Nice to see you!"
"Oh my gosh it's been forever!!!!"
"I thought I'd never see any of you again!"
Meghan just kept on smiling giving everyone a tight hug before letting go. Everybody stepped back to face me.. what creeped my out the most is their attempt to smile, either it was too wide or awkward looking.
Meghan moved over to my side to face everyone, she put her hand on my shoulder and other pointing to my face as if she's doing a presentation of me. "Everybody you know we're going to have to speak English, a famous human language.. so one rule is to never speak outside of the earths language,
Now... may I introduce to you... lily!"
Everybody stared deep into my eyes both staring up and down at me as if trying to get every little detail of me. The girl on the far left moved in closer to get a better view at my ears and hair then breast, she then looked at her own breast and poked at them.
Meghan pulled me closer to her. "Everybody meet lily! Lily, meet grace!"
She pointed to the one in the middle.
"Veronica!" She pointed to the one two was feeling her self, comparing her body to mine.
"And nick!!" She pointed to the one at the far right, he looked the strangest, he took in a human male form, surprised he was so tall. He was completely green and had some noticeable vines and leaves sticking out as they wrapped around his body. He was the most inhuman of them all. But he made it work..
I gave out a small but awkward smile at them then attempted to talk "h-hi..." I muttered in a low voice
Grace face glew up and tilted her head "hiii!!! You already know my name but..I'm grace!!! Or atleast..that's my human normal name haha.. but don't worry I respond to this name as if it was my birth given name!"
I stared at her..she's pretty talkative.
Nick stepped forward "uhh.. hi.. I'm nick..haha don't get freaked out about my shape.. I can't do real good at shapeshifting.. but where ever there's a planet that has plant life is where I'm mostly needed.. so I was kind of forced here.." he put his hand behind his neck giving off a shy/awkward expression.. I wouldn't blame him I'm like that too.

Veronica stepped back before speaking.. "I'm Veronica.. I hope I look human enough.. I dont want to stand out or anything!"
I gave her a small smile "it's alright you look just fine~"
Everybody stared at me again surprised I talked calmly. Meghan clapped her hands together. "Now that we all have met each other we should go inside into her room so nobody catches us!
Meghan walked inside and one by one everyone followed, I was the last one in.
Everybody stopped for a moment to look at the walls with family pictures and designs and antiques around the hallway of the house. Meghan sighed "I know..take your time it's all new to you! I won't judge I was just the same!"
After a while everybody was scattered around the first floor of the house looking closely at everything being careful not to touch anything and asking questions about certain things and how they work... took a few minutes before wrapping things up and going up the stairs towards my room... even the stairs was a little bit of a challenge for them.. they hesitated going through each step before going on the other.
Finally going in my room they stood near the door as Meghan and I sat on the bed.
Meghan sighed and looked at everyone
"Alright...... now that we're here it's time to get things done right..."

((Btw nulyon in their language is a type of special famous greeting almost all the species use. It's kinda like a hello or welcome.
Sorry I forgot to add this
Also I can't draw men... so.......... judge my drawings silently 😭😭))

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