Next step

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I woke up with a migraine, I immediately regret opening my eyes when sunlight is pointed directly at it. I then sat up with my hands covering my face and rubbing my eyes.
"What the hell happened last night..what did I just go through?"
With the very little energy left in me I looked around my room. The floor, walls, even the ceiling was in place, whatever I saw last night felt real but was thankfully temporary. I don't even know what day it is or if I had school, Mother would have woken me up by how bright it is outside, but I assume it's probably the weekend.
I fell on my side hugging a pillow wondering why I felt so weak, this is the first time I refused to move, even blink at this point.
I tried to focus on anything else but what ever that weird dream was, part of me was hoping the last few weeks were nothing but a dream. The soil spilled on my carpet and the blinds halfway opened proved me otherwise.
A sharp pain struck my bottom half, my hand jerked to cover it. "Christ! What the hell!"
My door swung open. "Your finally awake!"
It's the voice of the very last person I heard.
"I wanted to make sure you had plenty of rest I made sure no one came up to bother you!"
Suddenly a flash of memory of what happened last night struck my head, I looked down at my clothes, only to realize I had been cleaned and changed the whole time I was passed out.
Despite what I had been put through I'm glad to know aftercare is universal and recognized.
Meghan in her human form snatched off the blankets and pointed at my crotch "your officially no longer a virgin!" She said with the widest grin on her face. I looked to the side holding in a chuckle. I didn't think that was something to celebrate...
But seeing her in her human form relaxed my anxiety, I understood shapeshifting takes a lot of their energy so I appreciate this act kindness, I've noticed she's always the one putting effort into making sure im comfortable and doing alright.
"What happened" I asked in a raspy voice, I wanted to know what she knew if there was any information I was missing. Holding onto dear life last night I had trouble even remembering my own name.
Meghan crawled into the queen sized bed next to me covering her lower half with my blanket. "Didn't mean to have that happen all of a sudden, I do apologize for not giving you a warning, but.. the entity is getting closer, moving at a rapid pace. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but please"
Her hand covers the top of mine.
I looked into her eyes, preparing myself on what she has to say.
"I need you to understand not everybody can be saved...I've told you before these unfortunate events only happen to the people who are in deep sleep or often have vivid dreams. In the news people have been calling this a virus, there's already panic going around."
I corrected my posture
"We're unfortunately going to have to evacuate. Because you need this practice... and as for your parents, there's a 50/50 chance they will be meeting the same fate as most people in this world."
There was a pause. I didn't know what to think. One thing was happening after another. I am only 18 now that I think about it.... I don't think it's normal for this much responsibility to be rested on me. Especially when my life and my family's life is in danger... I am only human.
"You have a choice to bring them with you but we cannot risk telling anyone else about what is really happening, I worry about your safety"
"Do you.." I thought in my mind.
Just exactly what does she think I can handle...
I frowned.
She added "it was a mistake for this entity to have entered this world. It sensed life and automatically ran to it. Going from world-to-world to breed and spread, and it knows nothing other than that. This could not be helped. Our objective from the beginning is to put it to sleep and take it back to where it came from."
Information flooded my mind, I fell back into my bed and sighed.
"So..what is the next much time do we have"
"Four days until it reaches this area. We will be traveling west. I don't know what you want to tell your parents, but we are going to have to move, with or without them"
I stared at the ceiling.

..."my mother is a light sleeper, if she gets uncomfortable in her dreams she will wake quickly. My father is a fast sleeper...I can't tell what's going to happen. This entity isn't physical, only spiritual...right?"
I gazed into her eyes once more...she nodded.
Letting out another sigh I sat up and massaged my temples. I'll tell them I'm going on a school trip for the week."
Her eyes lit up "perfect! It's settled then!, we will be getting a place on our own to get good practice!"
I blushed at the thought, "yeah..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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