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The screams from outside wakes lily up, immediately lily stands up startled. Looking around at her surroundings she realizes she's still in her daydream? The bathroom walls were there and the lights flickered slowly, she looked down and noticed she still had her underwear down, as she picked them up she curiously walked out the stall getting closer to the door to the outside world. There were faint screams coming from all directions. Her hand crept up to the door handle still debating whether or not she should open it to see what was going on. With this realistic feeling she immediately forgets it's her day dream. Panicked she pulls her hand towards her and quickly turns around to hide in one of the stalls. "O-okay..w-what's going on?......" Lily's voice trembles thinking of all the possibilities going through her mind. Suddenly the vents start to pour out some type of fog, lily looks up wide eyed covering her mouth and nose then sits in the corner crouching down with her arm covering her head hoping she won't breath what ever it is in.The door slams open, lily gasped and looked up wondering what caused it. She couldn't see anything there was nothing but fog blocking whatever it was, she slowly stands up frightened by the backround screams and what ever is infront of her.
As she continues to stare all she could see was a human with a scarf over their face and goggles on. "W-who are you" Lily said in a low voice. The person suddenly ran up to lily and immediately put on a mask on her then grabbed her by the arm.
Lily went with it since it wasn't hurting her, the person searched around and turned to lily pulling down the scarf that covered her face "IS THERE ANYONE ELSE HERE THAT YOU KNOW!!?" Lily quickly shook her head no. Since lily was a bit closer she got to focus on the persons face and voice, it's a female. Before lily got to think about it the person ran and dragged lily out of the restroom, as they ran out lily looked around too see what was really going on. There was smoke everywhere half the school was gone and there's blood and headless bodies everywhere. The mysterious person looked around before making a decision on what to do, quickly the girl ran to hide under a huge block of cement that was supposed to be the second story of the schools floor that's now being held upright by some other crumbled tragedies. She girl quickly reached into what seems like a water bottle and poured goo on her hand then looked up to lily. "Don't try to stop me from doing this we don't have much time left, I hope you understand! I'm sorry!"
The girl pulled down Lily's skirt and placed her hand into her panties, while her other arm and holding lily against the Wall Incase lily tried to run. Quickly feeling lily up she felt an opening and thrusted two fingers up Lily's vagina. Lily screamed to what it seems to be in both pain and pleasure she help but breath heavily trying not to scream at the pain. The girl pulled her hand back to pour up more goo and thrusted in and out through Lily's vagina. Lily was so startled she couldn't move but to make sounds "S-STO~ AH! IT HURTS!"
The girl focused "I hate this as much as you do but it's for your own good!" At the last thrust the girl took her hand out cleaning it up with her scarf. Lily crouched down with both hands guarding her vagina in pain.
The girl gathered her things and carried lily bridal style. Then ran out from under the cement tent.
Running for a couple minutes they finally reached their destination, lily had her eyes closed the whole time still grabbing from the hand rape. The girl set her down against the wall and let out a big sigh still heavy breathing from all that running. "That thing, that goo I put inside you is so you don't get pregnant, it freezes your eggs."
Lily looked at her in confusion "w-WHAT!!? I-I-I don't even understand what's going on!!? Can you explain to me what all of this is I could have sworn everything was normal a few minutes ago! What the hell is happening and who are you!!?"
The girl put away her things and grabbed some ammo. "It's funny how you don't even recognize my voice. I thought we were friends~"
The girl pulled down her pony tail letting her hair come loose and faced lily looking down on her. Lily gasped.

Lily then jotted her head up in alert and screamed "MEGHAN!!"

Lily then jotted her head up in alert and screamed "MEGHAN!!"

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