Ooh lala

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Running as fast as she can she ran towards her class. She slowed down a bit noticing that there are still people standing around then looked at the big clock in the hallway. "6:34"
"Its six..fucking.. thirty four"
She took a huge sigh wondering if either she looked at the clock at home wrong or she didn't fix it at all.
"Dammit!" she walked into the bathroom since now that she has some time she could fix herself up. "Yikes" she said as she looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a dirty skirt and a oversized t-shirt that was passed on from her big brother to her. It was wrinkled too.
She looked down and noticed she's still wearing her sandals.
... it's a bad morning.
A girl came bursting through the door "LILYYYY!!!!" Lily jumped up at the sudden noise. "Ah! Oh it's you Shakira" Meghan walked right behind her carrying Shakira's backpack. "Oh and Meghan" :)
Shakira ran to lily to give her a hug, lily hugged back. "Why were you in such in a hurry?" Shakira let loose to look at her clothes. "And why such crappy clothes?" Lily chuckled a little "I thought I was gonna be late so I just grabbed something to put on and left.
I didn't even get to brush my teeth or my hair properly" Shakira reached into her backpack that Meghan was holding, she pulled out a brush, mascara and some perfume "I can't help you out with your clothes but I- " Shakira had her eye caught on the sandals and looked down. "....w-why sandals.." lily looked away in embarrassment.
Shaikira smiled "It's ok! I have an extra pair of socks and some vans! I was gonna return them for somebody else but since this is important, you can wear them for today. And also I have some make up! So Meghan can put on ur shoes while I give you a small makeover~ also you can sit back and be treated like the princess you are~ "
While Shakira got started on her makeup Meghan grabbed the socks and shoes to kneel down to put them on her. After the first sock was done she looked up and blushed. "S-so...you forgot to put on some panties to?..." Meghan stuttered.
Shakira quickly grabbed her skirt and pulled it up and gasped.
Lilly face turned red as she slapped her hand away and covered her vagina by putting the skirt in between her thighs.
Shakira and Meghan couldn't help but smile and laugh  "oh my gosh how could you forget to put on some underwear!?" Meghan said. Shakira added "Lucky you~ now you'll have the guys all over you today~"
Lily pouted.
"Oh wait speaking of boys, are you still having that fantasy dream of yours?" Shakira said as she continued putting on makeup on lily, Meghan began to finish her job.
"Y-yeah... it sucks how it's just a dream though. " lily sighed
Meghan looked up, "so you really like that stuff huh?" Lily gave her an awkward smile y-yeah..it's a weird fetish..
Shakira patted her head and gave her a small smile. It's okay~ Shakira then reached for Lily's breast. "CAUSE OF  COURSE YOU'LL ALWAYS HAVE ME!!~"
"AH!!" Lily screamed at the sudden movement playfully she pushed Shakira away  "I saw that coming"  Meghan laughed.

-time skip-

It's second period, Geometry. Lily didn't hate it but she never liked it either. she would always get distracted and daydream all the time, that's why She can't pass any tests, She's  never paying attention..Meghan always sat next to her making sure she pays attention so she won't watch her fail.
The teacher started a new subject which was more boring from the last. As usual Meghan quickly started hitting down notes while lily stayed lost in thought.
~In her daydream~
Lily was on her way to school but all of a sudden the skies went dark, she looked around but only expected a little rain so she walked faster almost reaching the door to her school. No one was around so she assumed it was early, she walked in with the lights still off. Lily slightly twisted her head to the side to take a peek if anything was a little out of place behind her. She thought it was cool to be the first to school with the doors already unlocked but she felt something wasn't normal here, but that didn't bother her. She walked in and went straight to the bathroom to check herself out. She turned on the lights and walked straight to the mirrors. Realizing she hasn't used the bathroom this morning she walked into the biggest stall taking an advantage that no one was there yet.
As she locked the door her ass faced the toilet as she pulled down her panties, she heard a low growl but ignored it thinking it was the air conditioning being turned on, She sat down. Before she could do anything the restroom lights flickered.
"Lilly" a small voice repeatedly came to her.
She suddenly woke up from her day dream. "H-huh!!?" She woke up facing Meghan. Meghan had a tissue on her hand wiping the drool off of Lilly's chin and desk " lily! Your going to embarrass yourself now you should pay attention! She handed lily her paper and pen to let the teacher know she's writing notes when she glances at them.
"S-sorry I just had this wicked dream. I felt like it was getting good.!" Lily whispered. Meghan looked over at her and smiled. "Cmon you can dream about your silly fantasies later we should bring your grade up in this class if you want to pass your semester~"
Lily smiled and sighed copying the notes down from Meghan's paper. "Yeah.."

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