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I woke up in the morning tired as fuck, more tired than I have ever been. I did not want to get up, but eventually I forced myself. All night I didn't want to sleep I was afraid I might go back, I had my mind on what was going to happen if it was actually real. It
sounded like complete bullshit to me but..... maybe she's right?..

After I got myself dressed and was headed out my heart was beating fast, "why..would I be scared she's my friend and she knows me..haha" can't get over the fact that what she might say is really true and that I have been living on a lie.
On my way to school I held my stomach I did not feel good at all about this. I feel like I'm just going to pass out again and have everyone worries, what about shakira? What will she think? Will she believe me when I say Meghan is an alien? That name made me a little lightheaded. This isn't going to end well I can feel it...
-time skip-
Third period, and I'm still in the nurses office. Just laying down on one of the beds with curtains surrounding me. I couldn't bring myself to face her in second period.. I had to do something..but I know I can't hide forever.. I just need to get warmed up is all..
10 minutes has passed and the nurse pulled away the curtains a little for her to get through, she was fat with blonde hair and glasses, she wore nurse uniform, the type you would see at the hospital, it was all black.
"Ms Crowford... I'm going to send you back to class, your blood pressure should be down by now.."
I sat up giving her a big sigh, she pulled out a hallway pass and wrote some stuff on it. " alright.. I'm sorry to send you back like this but you missed about two class periods I have to."
I fixed my hair then stood up grabbing the pass from her. "Alright..thanks.."
As I headed out the door I looked around the school comparing to what I saw in my dream. "Goodness... this is hella stress."  Meghan came across my mind eventually, walking up the stairs to the third floor lunch period would go through my head.. that's the time I will see Meghan again until after school.
"What the hell am I gonna do..." I guess I'm just gonna have to stop being a pussy and face the facts...
I reached my third period door it had the word "world history" on it with big capital letters. Oh boy.
~time skip~
The bell rang for everyone to go to lunch, I was the last one to walk out of my fourth period. I lost my appetite.
As I walked out of the room I kept my head down staring at the floor on my way to the lunch table, before I could turn the corner
i fell back landing on my ass
I helped myself sit up correctly, I looked up and before I could do or see anything all I knew next was some powdery sand hit my face and directly into my eyes "WHAT THE FUCK!? YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I couldn't help but rub my eyes...the powder didn't give me pain as I expected but what worried me most is that it might sting me at anytime. "Ahh!! Who the fuck are you! You dumbass watch where your fucking going!!" I picked myself up with one hand on the walls guiding me to stand up and the other on my face rubbing my eyes.
"Lily!! Hunny!" The voice caught my attention, unable to open my eyes I yelled back. "Shakira!!?"
I kept rubbing my eyes trying to get that feeling of sand still stuck in my eyes. Hearing the footsteps running towards me I could only count about 2 people running towards me. "Oh my god lily! Are you alright? What's wrong with your eyes?"
I grabbed onto shakira with one hand "I-I don't know! I can't open the someone threw sand at my eyes! It won't come off!"
Assuming it was shakiras had that touched my face there was another familiar voice "we should take her to the bathroom to wash out her eyes"
It was Meghan.... it was literally the last person I want to hear....especially with shakira.. the thought of this made my heart drop.
"Y-yeah lets go..." I felt both shakira and Meghan grab my arm.
"How did this happened anyway? Who carries sand!?? Does it hurt??"

"No it doesn't hurt which is strange but it's hard to open my eyes cause it's bothering me I'm scared it will hurt eventually... I was walking to lunch till someone bumped into me and threw sand at my eyes.... of what ever the hell this is.. do you see it?"
We enter the bathroom and they guide me to the sink "no I don't see anything actually and I didn't see any sand around either..are u sure it's sand? Does it really feel like it?"
I turn on the faucet while trying to keep my eyes open while splashing water into my eyes.
"We should get the nurse, this doesn't seem goo-" shakira stopped,
I stood up with my eyes wide open. I could see finally? I blinked my eyes a couple times trying to feel if there's any sign of it there...
I blinked as if there was nothing to begin with.
Meghan grabbed my face and turned my face towards her rubbing off the corner of my eye examining it.
"Your eyes aren't red well.. only a little assuming it was you from rubbing your eyes too hard..."
I jerked my head off her hand and gave out a huge sigh trying not to give shakira any hints that I might hate Meghan . "Kids here are mean. But it's whatever.. atleast I didn't get hurt." Shakira grabbed her jacket sleeve to wipe the water drops and dry my face.
"Jeez. We should go to the principle about this.. this isn't good at all."
Shakira said concerned.
Meghan sighed then pinched me signaling for me to give her attention,
I glanced at her, she gave me this weird stare that supposedly telling me it's under her control.
I can't believe it.. this is becoming too real for me
I gave out another big sigh then held onto my head "you know what...." I looked over to shakira giving her a calm/relaxed look. "It's whatever I'll tell one of the AP about it, they should do I'm kinda hungry we should go eat before lunch ends.."
Shakira looked at me a little worried before calming down about it. "Yeah.. we should go before the bell rings.."
As shakira open the door expecting us to walk out meghan hand was on my wrist letting me know she wants to keep me here
"We have to use the bathroom I gotta pee and I don't wanna be here alone.. you can go on ahead we'll catch up to you~" Meghan said
Shakira gave her. A weird look before walking out completely "oookay I'll be at our table"
After the door closes Meghan looked straight at my eyes then grabbed my face to examine it. I jerked my head back pulling my face out of her grip then questioned "what's going on did you have something to do with this!?"
Meghan leaned back against the sink. "It was a must. There's some others I want you too meet before we do anything officially. The powder was thrown by someone I paid to do. This powder thing, was for you to see aliens like myself, except that I have a human body form, the others do not they can only be visible when your back into the dream.. or fifth dimension."
I covered my mouth with my hand trying my best to get my thoughts together.
"So what your saying is.... we will have a team... and they aren't humans, they are aliens just like you....and they will get fucked too?"
Meghan chuckled at the thought. " what they will be doing is looking for it's weak spots so we can find out how to get rid of this thing completely. They will do some stuff that you won't have to worry about, us.. we are pretty much the distractions. We will keep this thing busy until we find a way to get rid of this."
" This is too complicated" I thought to myself

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