Stuff you gotta know

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As she was reading what ever was on her phone all I could think of was how will I get out of this..what are we going to do to stop that thing?.. I thought too much to myself I gave myself anxiety.
"Here" after a minute she finally looked down at me and spoke. "The information i received is only about this monster..apparently this monster is only here for pleasure and someone who is strong enough to multiply into, this thing moves from dimension to dimension and other planets looking for a wife in every place it goes too..."
"Soo..we need to go out there, find where the penis is and do the dirty, then it will leave?"
Meghan smiled "precisely! See you catch on quick. But don't worry! Remember that liquid I gave you?"
"You mean the mysterious goo that you finger fucked me with? Oh no I completely forgot" I said sarcastically.
Meghan rolled her eyes "yeah..that thing was supposed to prevent you from having the kids that thing gives you..  and also it makes your inner muscles stronger, it creates a better bond with the tissue.. you might experience some swelling or at least a slightly larger vagina size..the leader of my planet's special organization gave it to me and some extra just so we can stop it from happening. Oh! And the message I also got was after about five rounds on what it makes it goes into a deep slumber and will sleep for 3,500 years till it comes and makes it rounds again. And apparently I'm the chosen one in this, this is my second dimension. I been following this thing around for quite a while. But the task isn't hard..I was chosen because my vagina and inner self is really strong, according to my planet.. and I'm supposed to find someone who is just as strong as me...hopefully you don't rip apart like the last 400 people I teamed up with." She gave me a small smile which I get the feeling is just to comfort me, I was so scared. This is literally between life and death.
"So..this.....could be a win win situation" I said in a trembling voice. "I always dreamed of being felt up by tentacles..but never did I think that it could kill me in just one thrust?"
Meghan went back to her plate on the table and sipping up the soup "yep!  But that time where I inserted the goo? You already had pretty tough muscles there.. it seems you have had a lot of practice~"
I blushed covering my face "n-no!! I-it's not like that! I would never do such a thing!! A-a-"
Meghan laughed, don't worry it's normal! At least I know your somewhat worthy~"
I honestly have never felt more scared but a little excited in my life. I didn't know what was better, being finger fucked by an alien, knowing my ass is going to be torn apart by some tentacles, or dying from the pressure it gives me. "Great...this is great....."
Meghan finished the bowl of tentacle soup and gave out a satisfying sigh.
Welp..I guess it's about time to leave I wouldn't want you absent for school tomorrow.
"Wait what!?" I shouted "I thought you were going to keep me hostage in my own dream!"
Meghan quickly talked over me "we still have about 52 days till the thing goes around the whole earth looking for its wife! We still have time but the more time we take the more people like you die from being fucked by a tentacle in their dream!!!! Bye~ see you at school~"
After a white flash I quickly sat up heavily breathing. I was in my bed? I looked back behind me to look at the window. It was dark... I got up quickly and ran down stairs. Mom and dad was watching tv.. as I walked across the living room my dad tilted his head just so his eyes can meet mine "hey sweetie! I just got back 20 minutes ago"
"Yeah you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up for the food so I waited till you woke up, just turn on the stove and heat it up again." Mom added
"Okay mom, and hey dad.. how was work?".  Dad sighed "it was tiring as usual"
I tried getting the thought of Meghan and the dream I had off my mind.
After I turned on the stove and put it in a bowl I sat down..the exact place Meghan was sitting in my dream and began to eat... I couldn't help but give out a satisfying "mmm" . It was so good...
Though all of this being put on my shoulders.. it's kind of hard to deal with it, just keep stuff like this on your mind and act like it's not bothering you at all... Meghan not actually being real?.. the fact that she was an alien putting some childhood memories of her and shakira on my mind was a little traumatizing. But she is kind of real...just not in this world...
After supper I went back upstairs to my room and closed the door. My room was dark, I'm not even sleepy after that 4-5 hours of sleep.. I get ready for bed, changed my clothes. Brushed my teeth. Even tucked myself in, just staring  at the ceiling. The things Meghan said crossed my mind, I even touched myself a little down there to see if there actually was swelling or if it really had gotten bigger... it has. I was worried out of my mind, filled with anxiety not sure who to trust anymore. My eyes began to get droopy.. "today is Thursday
tomorrow is Friday... tomorrow I come face to face with.. Meghan."

Authors note:
(( sorry guys I know y'all think I'm probably stalling.. but I promise the part is going to come soon, though I do warn you there will be a little bit of Yuri , probably not soon but it will come eventually. And maybe....just maybe some other characters 🌚
This is going to be interesting ;) I hope y'all are patient, I'm just trying to put some stuff together so this story can make sense. Thank you for reading! I promise tentacles are coming very soon!))

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