Back to reality

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I took one last good look at Meghan. Knowing the things I know now about her... it's kind of depressing me seeing her here in the real world instead of talking to me through my dream like this.... I looked away giving her a little disappointed look on my face
I hated this, I really didn't want to have things end up this way, it hurt me a little inside..almost making me a little sad......
Meghan tilted her head, our eyes met. "Lighten up, they're good friends of mine. If I can trust anyone it's them."
"How many is there?"
.... "do they take in human form as well? Or..."
Meghan chuckled, "ehh only one of them can shape shift, they're actually the same species as me.. well that one particular alien is."
I tightened my lips giving her a little bit of a questioning look. "..sooo..when are they comin-"
The bell for fifth period rung, there was a pause
Meghan sighed then gave me a small smile "They're actually in this school, one of them is acting as a student who skips class so she will be staying in one of the bathrooms"
Meghan picked up my backpack and handed it to me.
"Yeah she.. she can reproduce like a regular female, the other is a male and the other female. So we only have one male in the group"
As we walked out the door I held it open as she walked out then turned to face me again.
"Oh and also we'll all meet after school I'll come to your place. And if you want to find them on your own it's gonna be a little difficult, the one who shape shifts is shy, the other two... they can shape shift too but....into certain things, you'll see what I mean after school~"
I stood there watching her walk off to her next period class. "She's insane. This is too much. What the fuck."
~time skip~
Seventh period.. I glanced up at the clock... we have three minutes till the bell rings, as if school didn't give me enough anxiety and stress I'm scared on what I'm about to see... the whole school day I looked around paranoid after Meghan mentioning her "friends" being hidden around the school shapeshifting. It's disturbing to think about, it's a lot to take in... but what can you do? I'm just stuck in this petty little world, getting ready to get ass fucked by a big ass octopus.... is this really what I want? I been fantasizing so much about it why am I getting scared now? Probably because I know that it actually might kill me....
The bell rang. I was the last to come out, Shakira and Meghan waiting for me outside, not seeing anyone other than them.. everything is normal so far....
Shakira fixes her hair before bouncing over to me "lily!! Iiiiiits Friday!!! Ugh I'm finally able to sleep!"
I smiled, yeah..atleast she's still normal.. "yeah I'm honestly so tired school is just...too much for me. I just wanna pass out." We start to head to the stairs that lead it's way to the first floor.
Meghan listened to the conversation and spoke when needed normal. Shakira wrapped her arm around Meghan's and tugged on her playfully while going down the stairs "I'm gonna miss u both during the weekend but I'm probably not at the same time cause I have plans on my bed" I giggled a little "wow you actually are going to finally relax this weekend"
Meghan slowly clapped till we reached to the bottom of the stairs, we stood in the corner before we separate our selves and go our own ways.
"I'm surprised..not going to the mall this weekend..huh?" Meghan added.
Shakira pushes her bangs to the side, "Yepp I'm tryna relax more.. this weeks astronomy project made me loose my beauty sleep"
I gasped sarcastically "ooh nooo Shakira missing her beauty sleep?" I dramatically put my hand on my forehead and leaned on her "oh you imposter! Shakira never looses her beauty sleep!" Meghan joined in and dramatically wrapped her arms around Shakira and rocked back and forth. "Boo! You must sleep my child! This has gone too far! Oh the horror!"
As we playfully annoyed Shakira we all laughed it off and let go.
"Welp atleast it's Friday" I said
Meghan gave Shakira one last hug before she came over to my side.
Shakira sighed and rested her face "yeah finally~ welp I guess I'll see y'all next week~ I'll text y'all~" she opened the doors and left the building waving, we waved back.
It took me about 5 seconds finally realizing things are how they are now and that I have to face the truth. Meghan faced me and pulled her bang right behind her ear.
Now...shall we get started?

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