balancing the universe

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» balancing the universe «

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» balancing the universe «

» balancing the universe «

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SCOUT HATED HOW ALTHOUGH THE STARS WERE STILL ALIGNED AND THE PLANETS WERE STILL ORBITING, THE UNIVERSE WAS SLOWLY BREAKING. It was visible in only the small things; how the wind seemed to blow the wrong way, the fact that the sun wasn't shining as bright as it normally did, the solemn looks that painted everyone's faces around her. Scout felt as if everything she once knew and held dear to her was being ripped away from her grasp. She felt like a small infant left alone; scared, cold, hungry and helpless.

Scout had become a nervous wreck, anxiously pacing the room, her padding footsteps being the only sound in the silent room as Shuri continued to work on Vision. Scout was chewing her fingernails raw, her heart racing and mind flooded with all sorts of thoughts and fears. She had repeatedly tried to get through to Peter, but nothing was working. She had absolutely no contact with him, and it terrified her.

At one point, Scout simply faced the wall, closed her eyes, and silently thought to herself, Please, Peter. Please make it back home. She wished he could hear her, and perhaps in some supernatural way he could, but she would never know. All she could do was pray to see his face again.

Her soul felt deeply troubled, however, and she feared what the future held. She told herself she'd worked too hard, she'd survived too much, she'd grown up so fast to have it just ripped away from her. She thought that maybe she could make it out just once more. One last time was all she needed.

Yet in that moment, all she had were the memories that her and Peter shared. She thought of the first time they worked on their biology project together. The time they had their first date, and the time he asked her to be his girlfriend. She remembered the first time they kissed each other, and how afterwards, she told herself she wanted to do it a thousand more times. Every moment they shared replayed in her head as her heart longed for the one thing that satisfied her: Peter's love.

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