a super ladybug

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» a super ladybug «

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» a super ladybug «

» a super ladybug «

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IT WAS A WEEK BEFORE PETER PARKER RETURNED TO SCHOOL. Scout had heard from Ned that he had food poisoning, which was what she assumed, and had told Ned to let him know she hoped he felt better. Ned had just smiled, giggling an "Ok" before walking away, leaving Scout to wonder what she had said that was so funny.

She didn't see Peter until Biology class, he was sitting at his desk with his his arms folded on it, head resting on them. She noticed that his little black glasses were not on his face, which surprised her because he'd had them since fifth grade.

Her desk was at the back of the room, so she continued walking past Peter and took a seat, pulling her notebook out as the rest of the students filed in. Once the bell rang, Mr. Harrison began by handing out the graded pop quizzes that Scout predicted they'd have to take. She gladly took hers, smiling at the 95 written on top. She had missed one question, not bad. Nani and Papa would be excited.

After that, Mr. Harrison cleared his throat, grabbing everyone's attention. "Moving on, I know you all will be very excited that instead of having a end of unit test, we'll be doing partner projects instead," He announced, earning a couple of sporadic claps across the room. "You'll be writing essays over any biological topic you want, and you must have a visual aid as well. It will be due in five weeks. Your partners are assigned by last name, so please listen up as I read the list," He began pairing people up, some people groaning when they got paired up, others hollering. "...Peter Parker and Scout Paxton..."

Scout immediately looked at the boy who was a few seats ahead of her, picking up her notebook, glad she got a smart partner. She squeezed through everyone shuffling across the room to start working, pulling up a chair and placing it next to Peter. He jumped a little in his seat despite that it wasn't a loud noise, head raising up.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," Scout apologized, sitting down. Peter scooted his stuff over to make room for hers. "How are you feeling?"

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