unknown love

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» unknown love «

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» unknown love «

» unknown love «

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SCOUT PAXTON MIGHT HAVE BEEN PART HERO, BUT SHE WAS ALSO FULLY HUMAN. She had staggered home the night of the fight, barley saying a few words to Spider-Man, avoiding the cops, and tuning out press reporters. She had climbed back in through her window, changed, and then crawled into her bed, pretending to be napping when Papa checked on her. But when he shut the door, her swelled heart deflated, and she cried herself to sleep.

The return of Barracuda re-opened old wounds that Scout had tried so hard to heal. Now the scab was torn, and she was bleeding out. She felt like a grey cloud had settled over her world. She thought that the sadness she felt for her parents was gone, and that she'd finally be able to move on. But that night, she felt like the same girl that refused to come out of her room back in June.

The next morning, it was all over the news. The reprisal of a villain, intentions unknown, destruction following their footsteps. Scout had walked into the kitchen to see her family crowded around the small TV, watching a reporter break down what happened that night. There was footage of her on the bridge with him, and that he had been sending bombs of energy to break buildings, but that was all that could be said. The villain had disappeared once again, and the Avengers were overseas in Sokovia, and so people were afraid.

Scout grabbed the remote and shut the news off, knowing that all her loved ones could think of was Gale and David Paxton, her passed parents. No words were said between the four remaining family members, they all just stood up and continued on with their day.

She checked her phone, seeing several messages. Gwen and Mary Jane had told her to please talk to them at school, probably not wanting Scout to shut down like she did in the summer. Harry had offered his condolences, saying that he was there to support her. There were several messages from Peter.

Peter: Are you okay?

Peter: That was a dumb question, sorry.

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