teacher's pet

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» teacher's pet «

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» teacher's pet «

» teacher's pet «

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SCOUT PAXTON NEVER WOULD HAVE IMAGINED SHE WOULD SEE PETER PARKER SITTING IN HER BEDROOM DRESSED IN SPIDER-MAN'S SUIT. When she had pulled off his mask, so many things overcame her and she couldn't think. She simply stood up, still holding the mask, and walked away. Peter followed her home, calling after her but she ignored him, retreating into the bakery and up the stairs. But, when she walked into her room, Peter was standing on the balcony, silently begging to be let in.

And now he sat on her desk chair in the center of her locked bedroom, and Scout sat on the edge of her bed, simply staring at him as he grew more and more uncomfortable by the second. Scout's brain was in overdrive, different thoughts bouncing through her head so fast she didn't have time to grasp just one.

"Scout," Peter nudged. The prominent cut had finally stopped bleeding, leaving a residue of dried blood across his face.

She didn't say anything back to him, just kept her eyes trained on his. How had she not known? It was all so obvious to her now; how he always had cuts and bruises, how he always seemed just as physically exhausted as she did, why he'd been missing decathlon practices, and how he'd been able to punch Flash and play dodge ball so well. At the bowling alley, he'd disappeared right as Spider-Man arrived. Even when she was masked, she still could've put the pieces together to realize it was him. His voice had been so familiar, his touch sent sparks through her veins, hell, he even said he liked the vanilla cupcakes from Gale's.

How could she have been so oblivious?

"Please Scout, please just say something, anything," Peter pleaded, his brown eyes wishing she would open up to him. "Yell at me, scold me, scream at me. I don't care. Please."

The pain in his voice made sorrow swallow her up. "You're Spider-Man." Is all she could find the words to say. Saying the sentence out loud while looking at him in the suit made it seem a little less far fetched, but it still baffled her.

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