itsy bitsy spider

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» itsy bitsy spider «

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» itsy bitsy spider «

» itsy bitsy spider «

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SCOUT PAXTON AND PETER PARKER STUDIED THE NEXT DAY. And the day after that. And the day after that. And the day after that. Scout told herself that it was so their project could be the best in the class. She didn't address the giddy feeling she got when she saw him at school, or how much she looked forward to their walks to the bakery. She didn't think twice about how natural they both acted around each other, didn't consider the fact that she spent evenings thinking about things Peter said to her that day.

Peter couldn't deny that he thought Scout was beautiful. He really liked when she smiled, her cheeks formed dimples and her eyes crinkled. He felt tingles in his chest when she laughed. He couldn't get her voice out of his head during dinners with his aunt and uncle. He told himself he was merely intrigued by her, and that it would soon fade.

Scout tried not to think about it too much, especially when she was in her suit and mask, patrolling New York City. That's always how it had been, Scout tried her best to keep her personal life and her vigilante life separate. It was like driving a car; you couldn't let your emotions affect your alertness and execution, otherwise you'll crash.

If Scout couldn't find anyone that needed help, she always found herself at the coast line. Tonight, she had dipped inside Queens, and now sat on the edge of the river, a slight breeze of the night blowing her hair back. The moonlight was bright, illuminating every feature of the horizon. The stillness of the sky was calming.

The moment was broken when she heard a loud crash a couple of streets away, causing her to whip her head around, immediately rising to her feet. She barely heard shouts, and she followed the noise, staying close to the walls of buildings, trying to keep out of any light illuminating from the apartment windows of those who were night owls.

She narrowed the sounds to a back street outside a jewelry warehouse, peeking her head around the corner. Not only did she see a group of men with sledge hammers and ski masks, but she also saw the outline of a particular person in red and blue get up.

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