wrong day for a romantic boat ride

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» wrong day for a romantic boat ride «

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» wrong day for a romantic boat ride «

» wrong day for a romantic boat ride «

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IF SCOUT PAXTON HAD A DOLLAR FOR EVERY TIME SHE CAME CLOSE TO DYING, SHE WOULDN'T BE RICH, BUT SHE DEFINITELY COULD AFFORD A NEW PAIR OF SHOES. Whether it was when she was little and fell off her high chair, or the time she accidentally ate half a jar of vaseline and had to get her stomach pumped, Scout Maribelle Paxton always had a knack for finding ways to get herself in trouble. The problem only escalated when the accident of June Fourteenth occurred, earning her a theoretical eleventh dollar and a promise for a future of many more. Since then, she faced the possibility of death countless times, it was part of her job.

But there was something different about facing death in the elevator at the Washington Monument. Most of the other times, Scout's encounters with death were by her own doing, her own fault, the path the chose for herself. Yet in the elevator, she was thrown to a situation where she had no control and no way out. She had to rely on someone else to save her. And Scout hated that.

She hated being a damsel in distress. As thankful as she was that Peter saved her life, she was almost embarrassed that she nearly died and didn't do anything to stop it. Obviously, she couldn't have helped the situation, but Scout was notorious for blaming herself when bad things happened. She claimed she should've kept a closer eye on the energy core, she should've gone with Peter to hunt down the bad guys, she should've just not gone into the monument at all. But if there was one good thing that came from the experience, it was that Scout learned she could no longer trust Ned and Peter with this task. For her own mental health, if anything else, she needed to make sure they were handling things correctly.

Therefore, the next day at school, she made it her top priority to find Peter. She didn't see him for three periods, but once fourth block rolled around, she knew he'd be coming out of biochemistry class. Once the teacher dismissed her from her own class, she immediately made a beeline for the classroom, students beginning to fill the hallways to head to their next room.

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