chapter twenty-one ; videos

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Yuzuru noticed the material in his hand was a pen drive. He kept it in his pocket and once he got home, he plugged it into his computer and there was only one file on it that was titled I Miss You Already.

He opened it, and in it were a few videos. But at the very top was a video titled Hi Yuzuru.

Letting the video play, the first thing that came on was Misaki in a white tee, and it was his tee. She must've taped this while he was training.

She was waving at him and in the video she said,

"Hi Yuzuru! I don't really know what to title this video but I will give this to you on the day that I leave for Japan. You've been training hard, haven't you? You've been multitasking with training and having me around. I must've been a distraction, haven't I? But I'm taping this so that you can always have me around whenever you need to. I'll work hard too so that all of the schedule can be cleared and we can be together again, just like we have been for the past weeks. They were truly the best weeks of my life. My heart feels heavy leaving you, but I know that you're going to get gold in everything so I'll think of it as you're making the country proud. And I can also think to myself since I can't brag about it, 'Wow, my boyfriend is so cool!' It makes you proud that I brag like that to myself, right?"

Her words made him laugh as he suddenly said, "This girl is ridiculously cute."

"I can't wait to be with you again. Here are some videos of our few weeks that I took and I will have to go now. I'll see you soon, Hanyu Yuzuru. I promise."

The screen paused at her smiling, as the video had ended. He couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear at her small video to him. It touched his heart, and he transferred them all to his phone, and watched the videos of their morning cuddles and movie nights. They were just small things that were done in a small house, but they were more meaningful than any rooftop date or fancy dinners.

Meanwhile, on the private plane, Misaki was staring at her phone, watching the videos of Yuzuru and her laughing and having their days off together. It consisted of some cooking, mostly cuddles, and sometimes she would film him on the ice, skating and she would cheer.

She couldn't help smiling at the screen, and the only thing that brought her back to reality was the stewardess, when she informed her that they will be landing in five minutes.

Looking out the window, she noticed the family city of Tokyo. It looked as if it were sparkling in the morning with the sunrise reflecting the metal and glass windows. She would never not be enchanted by its beauty, but she realised she was going to have to face her mother, and she started wishing the plane would not land.

Getting off the plane, she went on her own in stealth mode, making sure she didn't catch the attention of many people. Once she was on a cab home, she took off her mask and texted Yuzuru.

Back home safely. I can't wait to see you after all this ends.

Pressing 'send', she locked her phone once more and took a deep breath when she arrived at her apartment.

Paying the driver, she took her suitcase and went up the elevator, heart beating faster and faster at the thought of her mother waiting for her inside.

Opening the door of her penthouse slowly, she was greeted with silence at first, before hearing the familiar sound of her mother on the phone as she came downstairs to meet her.

"Yes, of couse Misa is free to do a photoshoot tonight! Alright. Thank you. Bye bye." Her mother had already packed up her schedule before she knew it.

"You have a shoot tonight and it's only for a few hours because I know how tired you must be. But to think of it, if you hadn't left the country in a tantrum in the first place, you wouldn't be this tired." Her mother had already made her blood boil before she could even unpack.

"Good to know you missed me too, mother." She said, "I'll go get ready and we can get it over with, okay?"

Her mother was taken aback. Her child didn't argue with her, she didn't even try to start a fight. She was completely calm.

"You're in a good mood."

"I told you before, haven't I?" She said with eyebrows raised in confidence, "A vacation is a good opportunity for me to clear my thoughts."

Going to her room, she began unpacking her things and while she was doing so, her phone suddenly rang and she saw the contact name and her spirits lightened.

Yuzuru ❤   

Picking up the call, it immediately screened Yuzuru who was in his apartment and resting on the sofa.

"Hey you." She greeted him, and the athlete immediately smiled from ear to ear.

"I'm glad you got home safely. Is your mum with you?"

"She's outside. I have a photo shoot tonight and I'm so tired." She said, "She has no idea where I've been these past few weeks."

"You didn't tell her about us?"

"Not yet. She finds out about stuff like this, there's the press, then we're on every piece of magazine and online gossip site that knows about us. I can't risk that happening while you're training for competitions and while my schedule's packed. It'll hurt the both of us."

"I guess you're right. It's getting late here. I miss having you around with me." He said.

"I'm not used to seeing you from a screen." She told him, "Goodnight, Yuzuru."

"Goodnight, Misaki."

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