chapter eighteen ; together

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The two sat across each other at the dinner table, enjoying the pasta they had made together, laughing at some old memories they've experienced together. Misaki hadn't smiled like that in a long time, and it had been a while since anyone had heard her laugh.

"Okay, when did you know that you like me?" She asked.

Yuzuru shyly chuckled, "I think it was from the very first day. You were lost on your way to school in that alleyway. It was Spring. And I took that road because nobody ever walks to school that way. But I found you that day on that road."

Misaki blushed at his eloquence, and he asked her the same question.

"It was when you took me to that old chapel. Do you remember that?"

"How could I forget? I told you that I like you at the time."

"It was that one moment where someone didn't hesitate to tell me how they felt. It made me want to cry." She admitted.

Yuzuru placed his hand above hers, and they smiled at one another as if they've waited for this moment for far too long.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked her after doing the dishes together.

"I'm not that jet-lagged anymore to be honest." She said, "But you have to get some rest. You start training tomorrow."

"Training's training." Yuzuru remarked nonchalantly, "I'm with you right now. I'm yours."

"I like the sound of that." Misaki closed the gap between Yuzuru and her and she leaned to kiss him. The two were a little bit more familiar with one another after the first kiss to know the ropes of this one.

"We could watch a movie." He suggested, and she agreed.

Yuzuru was preparing the popcorn while Misaki browsed through the collection of cinematic films he had on his TV.

"What do you feel like watching?" She asked.

"I'm okay with anything."

She came across an interesting film. Notting Hill. It was her father's favourite and so she put it on. When Yuzuru came back with the popcorn, he asked her what she had picked.

"Is Notting Hill okay?"

"I've never watched it before. So I'll watch it." He told her.

The two sat on the sofa together and she leaned onto him as he had his arm around her, thumb creating imaginary circle on the side of her arm. They both enjoyed the film which Julia Roberts acted as a celebrity who fell for a book store owner who lives in a house with a blue door. They laughed at the funny scenes and remained quiet with the serious ones.

Once the movie ended, Yuzuru was about to move when he realised that Misaki had fallen asleep. She somehow had a habit of falling asleep after kissing him, recalling the time she had gotten herself wasted and attacked him by kissing him in the club.

"And you said you weren't tired." He teased with a laugh. He gently picked her up and carried her to her room, making sure her head didn't hit the door-frame while doing it. 

As he put her down gently on the bed, she was tugging on his shirt and he didn't want to detach her grip forcefully.

"Stay a while." She said to him, "I'm not hungover this time, I promise."

He laughed and agreed to. He lied down beside her, and as he waited and waited, he was slowly dosing off himself.

Misaki woke up in the middle of the night, and she saw Yuzuru sleeping beside her - hair shaggy and out of place, eyelids fluttering like a child that was dreaming, and breathing gently. She held out her hand and placed it on his cheek, analysing every bit of the moment that was the now. She went over to him closer and buried herself in his arms, falling asleep once more.

This is nice, She thought to herself, surreal, but nice, hearing his heartbeat so close to her.

Yuzuru woke up the next day and realised he was going to be a bit late for practice. He was usually never late, but he could give jet-lag as an excuse. He was serious about his training, but he didn't like it that cameras were everywhere when he walked through the hallways of the rink.

He was going to get out of bed immediately, but in his arms he felt a weight, and someone breathing. Misaki was still asleep and it made him smile when he saw her looking so innocent, as if every single problem she's had disappeared while she was unconscious.

This is what happiness feels like. He thought, before getting up gently, and writing a note on a piece of paper before leaving the room to get ready to head for training.

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