chapter thirteen ; what a beautiful wedding

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The morning had come for the wedding, and the girls were busy beautifying the bride with eager eyes as they watched their best friend attempt something she had never done before.

"I swear this is the most amount of effort I have seen you put on make-up. And that says a lot, Kiyoko." Umi joked.

"One word of this attempt to anyone and I'll bring back every childhood memory you wanted to forget, Umi." Kiyoko threatened.

Misaki could only laugh at how humorous this was for her. She looked at her bridesmaid's gown and fixed her make-up in the mirror. Her cheeks were tinted in a peach colour scheme to match her sparkly eye make-up and red lipstick. It was a clear look that gave her an innocent face that wouldn't outshine the bride.

"I can't believe it. I'm getting married. And my two best friends in the whole wide world are going to be there with me." Kiyoko said, eyes getting tearing.

"You've worked too hard to get that smudged, Kiyoko." Misaki advised.

"You're right. And I definitely don't want to repeat that tedious procedure anymore."

Misaki looked out the window and she noticed how many people were outside, and how Tadashi was already anticipating his bride-to-be. Turning to Kiyoko, she gave a bright smile as the day they all had been waiting for had finally arrived.

"Now. Let's get you hitched."


Tadashi stood tall and proper, Yuzuru and Shoya standing behind him at the altar as they awaited the much anticipated bride. The day was somehow brighter, with the nature surrounding them giving such beautiful lighting with the sun peeping through the leaves of the trees. An outside wedding was a wise choice made on such a great day.

As the audience stood up, calming music began playing as a young woman came walking in her customised wedding dress, with two other girls behind her, holding bouquets of pink roses and they were all being admired by the guests, Kiyoko more than ever. Her make-up made her look ethereal, with the bridal glow and happiness that was oozing from her.

Tadashi couldn't hold back his admiration towards his beloved, as his eyes seemed to have sparkled when they locked with hers. Yuzuru looked over at the Misaki, and he too, was taken away by her beauty.

True, he has seen her multiple times and dozens if you count the magazine features she's participated in. But it was as if he had been captivated by her once more, this time, it was completely different.

Once the two lovebirds were brought together in holy matrimony, the crowd were all admiring how they were a perfect match for each other. As they kissed, everybody cheered, and Yuzuru's eyes met Misaki's, giving her a look and a smile, as she did the same.

As the guests were seated and enjoying their meals, Yuzuru and Misaki were sat beside together, with Umi and Shoya who sat beside each other as well in a special table.

Even when she was at a private event, she could feel the eyes on her and the camera clicks even when the phones were put on silent. It was as if her defensive instincts had kicked in and telling her to run.

She had managed to hold it in for the sake of it being her best friend's wedding, but then Yuzuru turned to face her.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Yeah." She lied, "I just have to go somewhere for a minute." 

He watched her walk back into the house, and once she did, the bride and groom were about to have their first dance.

"Where did Misa go?" Umi asked, "She'll miss the dance."

As the guests followed by Umi and Shoya went to dance, he still noticed how she hadn't returned from where she went. Standing up, he went to look for her, and as his friends saw him going to her, they all let out a soft cry of victory, as if their unmentioned plan was somehow falling into place.

Going into the house, he found her standing by the glass door, where she could see the bride and groom dancing from afar.

"Misaki?" He called for her, she looked at him, her eyes teary and a smile forming on her face. Somehow, it revealed a truth to him about her. Despite how much she's smiling, there will always be tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She answered, "It's a beautiful day for a wedding, isn't it?"

"It is. Why aren't you joining us outside?" He asked.

"I just. I don't know if I'm being paranoid but I kept feeling as if someone had been taking my picture and filming me when it wasn't even my special day. I turned around and I saw a few people looking at me with their cameras and phones and I couldn't take it. I just-" She couldn't continue and Yuzuru understood what she meant.

"I saw them too." He said, "It's alright. It's better if we stay here for a while, okay? We can go back out after they finish dancing. In the meantime,"

Yuzuru held out his hand and bowed, amusing Misaki.

"We don't have any music, mister." She remarked.

"Who said?" He smirked, as he took his phone out and played a classical piece and they were dancing in their own world, inside that living room.

Misaki was genuinely happy at that moment, and she realised that all this time, she had only been happy when she was home, and with Yuzuru, it was a happiness she hadn't felt in a long time.

As she was wrapped in his arms, the rays of sunlight entered the room, and she looked at the walls that were painted with their dancing shadows. She knew those shadows wouldn't leave even if they did.

"What's wrong, Misaki?" Yuzuru asked, as they were dancing and not facing one another, her head leaning to him as his rested by the side of her head.

"I'm happy, that's all." She answered, and she could actually feel the smile that was on Yuzuru's face.


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