Sixty: A Sacrifice

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Olly couldn't stop his face from breaking into a massive grin. Leave it to Victoria to let them all think she was dead and then be resurrected in such a dramatic fashion. She'd definitely looked better; she had a huge gash above her temple and blood still leaked from the wound in her side, but the fire in her eyes was the same as it had always been. His father's eyes were locked on Victoria, and Olly could tell that he wanted nothing more than to run to her and wrap her safely in his arms, but they had more pressing matters to attend to. Saving her from Draco's wrath, for example.

"Let my sister go," the witch beside Draco demanded.

Olly watched with pride as Fiona's brow creased and the knife pressed harder against her prisoner. "I don't think so," she spat venomously, her lavender eyes flashing.

He knew there was a reason he adored her.

Kellan stepped forward, his eyes darting between Skylar and Cassie, the gears in his mind working to figure out how to save them both. Olly could care less about Cassie, but he would do anything to save Skylar. He'd already lost Orion, he wouldn't lose her too.

Draco huffed in irritation. "Let the girl and the witch go. Now." When neither female moved, he continued in his sneering, almost bored voice. "Don't think I won't kill Skylar. In this state, I could even make her kill herself. I have complete and total control over her." He glanced back at the four new arrivals with a taunting smirk.

Olly remembered the confusion in the blue dragon's eyes after seeing the damage she had done to Orion, and he couldn't help but think that the king's statement was untrue. Skylar was in there, and if anyone could overpower Draco's will, it was her.

Victoria's eyes never left the king and his entourage, she hadn't even glanced at Olly and Leo yet. The Alpha female was out for blood. Olly thought she also recognized that Skylar was still in there somewhere, because she completely ignored his taunt.

"You tried to hurt my son," she spat. "You've killed members of my clan. Why shouldn't I return the favor?"

"Well to start off," Draco reasoned with a long hand on his chin, "one of them is technically yours."

Victoria finally tore her gaze away from Draco to snarl down at Cassie. "This bitch was about to hand my son over to you. She will never be one of mine. I'll kill her myself." Cassie whimpered as the knife pressed harder into her fair skin and blood trickled from the wound. Olly felt no compassion for her. She'd picked her side, and because of that choice Victoria and Fiona nearly died, Skylar was under Draco's control, and Orion was dead. He'd help Victoria if she asked him to.

"Victoria-," Kellan began, his voice carefully controlled, but close to the surface was his concern for his youngest child.

Her spring green eyes flew to him, full of murder. "She was going to kill my son, Kellan. My boy. This is all her fault and you know it." Kellan's face was stoic, but his eyes showed his turmoil. The side of him that was a father begged him to do whatever it took to save his child. The Alpha side argued that this female, daughter or not, had sided with a man who had pledged his life to killing their kind.

"Daddy, Daddy, please," Cassie cried, fighting Victoria's hold around her neck. While the Alpha female was injured and weak, she was using the strength that only came to a mother when her child was in danger. There was no way Cassie was escaping her grasp.

Kellan apparently decided to compromise with his two sides. "Don't kill her yet, Victoria. She's my daughter and my clan member. I'll handle her."

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