Thirty-Three: On the Road Again

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"A plan?"

"Yes, a plan," she assured him. "I wouldn't do something like that without a plan."

He sighed, relief flooding over him. Of course, he wouldn't fully relax until he heard her plan and agreed with it. Without thinking, he pulled her close and rested his forehead against hers. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, letting her scent and the feel of her wash over him. His dragon was still irritated about the entire situation, but her proximity helped ease his temper.

"It'll be okay," she whispered. "We'll be okay."

There was a low grumble from behind them and Orion spun around quickly, but he didn't release her. He grasped her hand as if Draco was coming for her that moment. His eyes clashed with his father's, who looked down pointedly at where Orion and Skylar were in contact.

"What was that?" Leo demanded. Orion wasn't sure whether his father was referring to his proximity to Skylar or what just happened with Draco, but either way he was firmly on Skylar's side. Orion was disappointed in himself for forgetting where he was and who his audience when embracing Skylar, but he didn't regret it. He just wished he'd handled it a little better. He needed to keep his wits about him, and panicking over Skylar wasn't the way to do that.

"Draco knows where we are," Orion stated instead of directly answering Leo's question.

"Yes, unfortunately. What I want to know is how those two dragons," he pointed angrily at the two retreating figures who were steadily growing smaller in the distance, "managed to get past our patrol."

"Magic, most likely," Kellan responded, his eyes narrowed at Skylar and Orion. 

Leo glanced at his friend before focusing on Orion once again. "Those are my dragons. He has my members of my clan, and now they're going back to him."

"Until he has me," Skylar said, stepping away from Orion, toward Leo.

The black-eyed Alpha smirked at her. "Yes, about that," he began. "That was very brave, what you did. Unfortunately, you've made us an even larger target."

"I didn't reveal myself to him mindlessly," Skylar argued. "Now we know for sure he's going to attack this place."

"He said he wouldn't," Kellan growled. 

Skylar shook her head. "Draco isn't a man of his word," she explained. "He'll hold off until he has me in his grasp, and then he'll attack here anyway. I'm almost sure of it."

Orion watched her speak with his father and pride swelled in his chest. She was holding her own, speaking like a member of a clan. Like the Alpha she was. Leo didn't intimidate her, not as much as the Draco, anyway, and she cared about his clan, enough to apparently risk her life for it.

"Then why-?"

"Because I've bought you time," she told the two Alphas. "I've bought myself time. Draco won't stop. He'll never stop. He thinks I'm an ignorant child, nothing more than a silly, naive, princess." 

Her steady gaze focused on Leo and Kellan and she stood slightly taller. She lifted her chin and her hands curled into fists at her sides. "But he's wrong. I'm a dragon."

Orion watched as the change took over her. The acceptance fueled her, and even he sensed the connection with her dragon, the one that had already begun to form, slide into place. He felt the power surge from her, the Alpha strength she still had yet to unleash. His own dragon purred at the knowledge that their lovely Skylar had accepted what she was wholeheartedly.

Leo, obviously having sensed the change in her as well, nodded his head once. "Yes, Skylar. You are. Now what have you bought us time for?"


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