Twenty-Three: You're a Danger to Everyone

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Skylar blinked her eyes opened, extremely disoriented. They'd returned to the clan at dawn, although she didn't remember the night after she'd shifted. When she shifted back into a human, she'd been unconscious and had woken up in Orion's arms as he carried her back to the Big House.

"Hey," he had grinned down at her. "Are you feeling okay?"

She rubbed her temples and rocked back in forth in his arms. "I'll be alright. It's getting easier."

"Good. You did a great job. Your dragon was happy enough to meet everyone, and she kept up easy enough on the flight."

"She did?"

"Yes. She enjoyed being a part of a clan, around other dragons," he told her. "She and my dragon get along rather well."

"Of course they do," she had smiled up at him. "I can walk, I think."

"Are you sure?" his arms tightened slightly.

"Yes, I'm sure," she patted his rock solid chest, her fingers lingering slightly on the fabric and the muscle beneath. "I'm feeling okay."

He nodded, his dark hair flopping onto his forehead and slowly lowered her too her feet. She swayed slightly and he steadied her with a hand on each shoulder. "Mmmhmm, you can stand on your own."

"I can! I'm just tired, I've been up all night you know," she teased. She looked around to see the other dragons walking back toward the Village, the newly shifted dragons were curled up asleep in their parents' arms. Everyone else was chatting excitedly, or staring at her and Orion with narrowed eyes. He held out his elbow to her gallantly and she hooked her hand through it, reminded of court, entering the throne room with her father or strolling through the garden with Jonathan. It was an odd reminder, seeing as how they were so far from a throne room or a royal of any kind. Except... Orion was a crown prince in his own right.

They'd walked back to the Big House in a companionable silence, watching the sun rise over the mountains. He'd walked her back to her room, past the living room where the children who weren't old enough to shift were curled up on the couches and floor. She smiled at them, all cuddled together, waiting for their parents to come retrieve them. Orion led her upstairs, standing outside of her door.

"Get some rest," he told her. "You've earned it."

"What, you're not going to make me stay up?" she teased. "It is dawn after all."

"Not today," he grinned. "Sleep well."

She began to open the door and watched as he walked down the hall to his room, turning back to look at her. Their eyes met and she gave him a small smile before dashing into her room.

And now she was sitting up in bed, rubbing her eyes with no idea what time it was. She hoped she hadn't slept too long. She was sure Orion was still up; he likely hadn't even gone to bed, knowing him. He of all people had reason enough to be exhausted; he'd had the busiest night of anyone. And he'd done wonderfully at it.

She'd watched him address his people, and then treat those children with the utmost respect. He'd been a true leader, and it reminded her of when his father was knighting one of his soldiers. And he'd done it after learning Draco was after her. She didn't think anything could fluster Orion, or even unsettle him. Until she'd seen his face at the sound of the king's name. He'd been afraid, and that had scared her more than anything she'd experienced in the last few days. She didn't judge him Orion for his fear; Draco was someone worth being afraid of. 

When he'd promised not to send her away, the relief Skylar had felt had made her knees weak. If Orion's hands hadn't been on her, she probably would have collapsed. She hadn't really cared when she didn't realize what a threat Draco was, but after Orion's reaction, she didn't want to be alone against him. She needed Orion, more than she cared to admit. 

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