Eighteen: Blue

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The blue dragon plummeted toward the crashing waves. The pointed rocks aimed up at her, waiting to impale her. But that wasn't going to happen; she wouldn't let it. She hadn't been free for more than five minutes, but her first urge had been to get in the air. She saw the cliff, and without more than a second thought, she'd dove off of it. She probably should have thought about for longer than a second, but it was a bit late for that now.

Orion's voice reached her from the edge of the cliff, calling after her. She felt the magic in the air as he shifted. She was excited to greet him, but she had slightly more pressing matters to worry about at the moment.

She moved on instinct, letting her wings pop open. She tilted her wings up and she adjusted her tail, feeling the wind grab her and level her out. The peaks of the rocks nearly scraped her belly as she dove over them and raced over the surface of the water. The mist of the water sprayed along her scales, sprinkling her with glittering droplets. It was a wonderful feeling, the water on her. But not only the water. There was the sun warming her scales and the wind flowing over them. So many sensations she'd waited so long to experience, so long to enjoy. She'd only ever been in the dark, locked up with heavy chains that rattled and scraped against the cold rock when she moved, hurting her sensitive ears. For the first time the simply felt alive.

She flapped her wings and slowly rose higher above the waves that lapped below her. Flying was far more work than she had been anticipating. She was already breathing hard by the time she reached the level of the cliff again and her heart pounded in her chest, but she thrived on the sensations, using them to fuel her good mood.

She locked her wings into place to glide above the cliff, where the golden dragon perched, staring up at her. Finally, she was able to meet him. She'd been waiting for two days to meet the male, human or otherwise, although she preferred the dragon. She roared down at him and he opened his jaw in a toothy smile up at her. Smiling, such a strange human custom. Why would baring your teeth at someone be seen as a friendly gesture? She supposed the fact that the gold dragon behaved that way because of his bond with the man Orion. If she was bonded with Skylar as he was with Orion, she guessed that she would behave with more human like traits as well.

She circled around one more time, and as much as she loved flying, loved finally being free, she wanted to meet the handsome dragon, the one she'd been drawn to since the moment she met him. She only had to figure out how to land.

Taking off had been easy enough: she'd just had to jump off of a high ledge. But now she had to get back on the ground. The blue dragon was loathe to leave the sky, especially after she'd waited for years for the chance to enter it, but she was more interested in meeting the golden dragon.

She surveyed the area and decided that the rocky edge of the cliff wasn't the best place to land. The soft grass further inland though, that had promise. She flicked her tail and tilted her wings to aim toward her target. The golden dragon trotted along below her, and she wondered why he hadn't taken to the air the join her. She'd love to fly with him, to learn from him. The Alpha of the clan, a male who was busy enough, yet still made time for her. She respected him, but she would not bow to down to him as one of his clan members. She was an Alpha as well, she could feel it, she just didn't have the title.

She lowered in altitude, still unsure how to proceed without hurting herself. But, she'd never given up before. Of course, the fact that she was free now wasn't because of her hard work. That was because of Orion, and Skylar for letting him help release her. Skylar's change of heart the past few days was the most surprising thing about their adventures. The blue dragon had been at odds with her human counterpart for years, fighting her every step of the way, refusing to be ignored, and all it had taken to change the human's mind was a male. Orion. Without him, she'd still be locked away.

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