Fifty-Three: Here

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He inhaled deeply as sleep left him. Sunshine, honey, and... him. He nuzzled his nose into Skylar's hair to inhale her scent and she shifted slightly in her sleep, leaning back into him. A sleepy grin spread across his face as he looked down at her. He was curled around her, his front to her back, and he loved sleeping with her so close. The last few nights with her... he didn't remember ever sleeping so well. She was just as happy as he was, he could sense that through their fragile connection. But, although it was fragile, it grew stronger everyday.

Sunlight peaked through the edges of the curtains, but that didn't surprise Orion. Last night was the Full Moon and they'd only all gone to bed just before dawn. As soon as everyone in the Big House retired to their rooms, Orion had snuck down the hall into Skylar's room, just like he'd done since they'd bonded. He didn't know if he'd ever be able to sleep away from her again.

He stared down at his mate, so calm and relaxed in her sleep. His dragon hummed happily, completely content for the first time in his life. Last night during the Full Moon was the first time their dragons had had time alone together since they bonded, and they'd broken off from the clan almost as soon as they'd shifted, flying together under the silver of the moon and blanket of stars. Orion was amazed they'd made it back to the clan at all. The two dragons were oblivious to anything other than the two of them, not that Orion blamed him. The world around him could explode and he didn't know if he would notice while he stared down at Skylar wrapped in his arms.

He grinned and kissed the soft spot beneath her ear, very gently, and she moaned softly, wiggling back against him in her sleep. He chuckled and squeezed her tighter, if only to control himself. She'd figured out that she liked the new physical side to their relationship and he had to work to keep up with her, but he was up to the challenge.

"I love you," he whispered into her ear. She smiled in her sleep, but he could sense that she wasn't awake yet. He didn't want to wake her, and he knew he would if he stayed tucked against her for much longer. After dipping his head to kiss the mark he'd left on the creamy skin of her shoulder, he slipped out of bed and into his trousers and light shirt. As he buckled his belt and slipped his feet into his boots, he gave her one more longing look, admiring the curves of her body beneath the quilt. Before he tip-toed out of the room,he snatched his necklace off the vanity and put it on over his head, tucking it safely beneath his shirt. He sensed it was almost midday, but most of the clan would just be waking up if not still in bed. The morning after the Full Moon was the one day the clan was slow to get started.

As he pulled the door closed, a floorboard creaked behind him. He spun on his heel to find Olly emerging from his bedroom as well, a huge grin plastered on his face. His little brother raised an eyebrow with a pointed look at the door and Orion just rolled his eyes.

"Better not let her parents know what you're up to," he chuckled softly.

"We're bonded," Orion shrugged. "There's nothing they can do."

"If you weren't worried about it," Olly said slowly as the pair began walking downstairs, "then you wouldn't be sneaking around."

Orion turned to glare at his smug brother, but the harmless mirth in his orange eyes quickly cooled his temper. Olly wouldn't tell anyone, and he was genuinely happy for his brother.

Orion was prepared to respond with a sharp quip, but the sound of someone in the kitchen quickly shut him up. They rounded the corner expecting to find Nana, but Victoria was busy starting breakfast. Benny was squawking in his cradle in the corner, upset about something, and their step-mother looked completely exhausted. She'd shifted with the clan for the first time in nine months, little Benny staying with one of the other pregnant females as was custom, and Victoria had gone to pick him up right when they returned. Orion doubted she'd gone to bed since then, especially since Benny was usually awake before even Orion on a normal day.

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