Fifty-Four: A New Twist

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Orion's brain froze for a moment. He stared at Olly, unable to comprehend what he just said. Draco was here? It felt sudden, but they'd been expecting it for weeks. He thought they'd have more warning, more time. How had he found them so quickly? It had taken Hal and his men a week to get here, but they'd had a dragon guiding them. Sure, it had been two weeks and Draco had a witch on his side, but the clan was so well hidden. They should have had more time. He turned to Skylar, who was already looking at him with her big blue eyes wide in surprise.

He really wished he'd just stayed in bed with her this morning.

"Orion," Olly said sharply, dragging Orion's attention back to him. "What should we do?"

Orion blinked as his mind started to work again. Draco was here. They were prepared for this. They'd been preparing for this moment. Just because a part of him had secretly hoped it would never actually happen, didn't mean it wouldn't. His dragon snarled, the sound echoing in Orion's head. The beast was ready to protect his clan, ready to protect their future. This was what he had been born to do.

Orion pointed at Olly. "You're going to lead me to where you saw them. I want to see it for myself, to see what we're up against." He shifted his finger to Fiona and Skylar. "Skylar, Fiona, take Benny back to the Big House and make sure everyone is awake."

"I'm going with you," Skylar snapped as she took a menacing step toward him. He saw her dragon in her eyes, as much of an Alpha as his own, ready to do whatever it took to protect their clan and each other. Orion frowned at her. He didn't like thinking that she thought she had to protect him. It was his job to worry, not hers, and he would keep her as far away from this for as long as he could.

"No," he stated firmly, although he knew his eyes were pleading, "you aren't. I need you to go wake up Leo and the rest of the clan and make sure they're ready."

She looked like she was ready to argue some more, but finally gave him a reluctant nod. She moved to Hal to take Benny from him, the infant squawking slightly but settling into Skylar's arms. Hal touched her hand and gave her a soft look before bowing his head once.

Skylar squeezed her father's hand before turning to Orion. "Be careful."

It wasn't a request. She pulled him down for a chaste kiss before turning to Fiona and rushing back to the clan. Orion watched after her for a moment, but there was no time for his gaze to linger.

"Olly, how far away would you say his army is?"

"Half a day's march? It's hard to tell how fast they're moving."

"Dammit," Orion cursed. They were closer than he thought. That didn't give them a lot of time to get to the edge of the clan territory to meet them. The question as how they'd gotten that close without anyone seeing them sooner. "Alright, alright. Hal, Jonathan, you stay here to get your men ready."

"No way in hell am I letting you go scout on your own," Hal told him. "I'm coming with. Jonathan will be here to get the men ready to march."

The few soldiers that had been near enough to hear Olly's first announcement had spread the news like wildfire through the men. Orion saw they were already preparing their weapons, armor, and horses. Good. That saved them a lot of time. 

Orion met Hal's gaze steadily, but he knew that the king wasn't about to budge on his stance. He was like his daughter, whether they were related by blood or not. Stubborn as a mule. Orion was still slightly shocked Skylar had given into him as easily as she did.

He finally nodded at the king, coming to a silent agreement. This man was a leader, and he wanted to look out for his men the best that he could.

Hal gave him a small smile and turned to look at Jonathan as he approached. "Your Grace, I'd like to come along as well."

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