Fifty-Eight: A Bond Broken

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The gold dragon raced back to the village, Jonathan perched between his shoulder blades, prepared to act as backup for whatever they might face. He didn't think he'd ever flown so fast in his life, but he'd never been as desperate as he was in that moment. He'd lost his connection to his mate. He'd felt her fear, the pain that flashed across her neck, and then nothing. Fear coursed through him in a way he'd never experienced. He knew it was because he'd never loved anyone as much as he loved Skylar, needed someone as much as he needed her, and the thought of losing her nearly killed him.

He couldn't feel anything from her, and he didn't know what that meant. Their bond was so new, so fragile, and he didn't understand everything he felt from her. That was for his human side to distinguish, each subtle detail. The dragon side only knew his mate was there one second and gone the next.

She was supposed to be safe back at the village, that was why he'd left her there, against her wishes. To keep her safe, and now something terrible had happened to her, but he didn't know what.

Leo! Nana's voice rang through the clan link. Orion hadn't felt her shift, but suddenly he realized the entire clan was a part of the link, everyone was in their dragon form. For everyone to have shifted, something was terribly wrong. He still couldn't sense Skylar. Orion! We need your help!

None of them had ever heard the old woman so desperate. She had their attention, as much as they could give right then. The gold dragon continued his desperate rush to the village but paid close attention to what his grandmother had to say. Perhaps she knew what happened to Skylar.

What's wrong? The Alpha's voice was loud in his head, despite the distance between them.

Draco... the witches... Cassie was with them. They snuck up on us. We couldn't stop them, Nana cried out. The gold dragon snarled at the mention of the female. The knowledge of her betrayal added fury to his fear, but he would deal with her later. He would make her pay for endangering his clan and his mate.

Where is Skylar? Orion demanded.

Nana hesitated, but her anguish was palpable through the clan link. As was everyone else's. Panic added to his fury and fear. He wasn't sure how many more emotions he could handle without breaking.


She didn't answer him. Dread washed over him, chilling him to his bones. The gold dragon let out a low whine and he felt Jonathan's hand on his shoulder in a questioning touch. The knight, of course, couldn't hear what was going on through the clan link. The gold dragon flew on, as fast as he could possibly go. He would find her, and he would save her from whatever trouble she was in. That was the only option. He couldn't consider anything else.

Ruby June, get the clan to safety. We will finish this, right now, and then we'll come home. Leo's voice was commanding, but also gentle and reassuring.

Leo, there's something else... Nana whispered.

Whatever it is, it can wait! The Alpha barked, obviously missing the tone in his mother-in-law's voice. Orion didn't miss it, and he knew Nana had something important to say, but Leo couldn't be distracted. He needed to rally the dragons to gain the advantage once again.

Nana went silent then, but Orion stopped listening anyway. He was distracted by the flash of blue on the horizon, the blue he would recognize anywhere.

Skylar! He cried out to her, but she didn't respond, and he still couldn't sense her through the clan link or their bond. He roared to her, trying to get her attention, but she made no indication she recognized him.

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