Thirty-One: A Selfish Man

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Skylar sat quietly in the infirmary, watching Nana make her a pack of things to bring with her. Kellan and Penelope were leaving soon... with Skylar in tow. At the moment they were with Leo and Victoria in his office, discussing whatever it was Alpha's needed to discuss. Likely Skylar's situation and Cassie and Orion's mating ceremony. She'd been left with Nana, but she didn't mind. She needed time with the old woman after spending the last day with her new parents. And spending the last day watching Orion and Cassie fawn over one another, always touching, always close. It drove Skylar's dragon insane, and Skylar simply hurt all over. Of course she needed to figure out that she was in love with him after watching him with another woman, right before she would leave him forever. After figuring out that she'd been nothing more to him than a convenient friend, not when he had Cassie waiting.

"No one ever tells me anything," Nana suddenly said. "I thought you would be staying long enough to attend Laura and Percy's mating ceremony."

Skylar shook her head sadly. "I wish I could, I'm so happy for them. But Leo wants me gone, and Kellan and Penelope want me where I can't run away."

"And they're leaving Cassie and Jed here?"

Skylar cast her eyes downwards. "Yes. They want Cassie to have more time with Orion than just a day. So she's going to stay here with him while Kellan and Penelope take me back to the Eastern Clan. She'll be here with him, and I won't." She finished quietly. Nana walked over and wrapped her arms around Skylar, holding her tightly. Skylar, not realizing how badly she needed a hug, embraced the little white-haired woman enthusiastically and rested her head on her shoulder.

"So, you figured it out then?" Nana asked her, stroking her hair.

Skylar sniffed. "Figured what out?"

"That you love him, of course."

Skylar leaned away, but Nana still kept her hands on her. She knew there was no use in lying to her, or herself. "Yes. And all it's done is caused me more pain."

Nana's eyes lit up. "Have you told him? Perhaps it isn't as hopeless as you apparently think, my dear."

Skylar ran her hands over her face. "He hasn't talked to me since Cassie arrived. Hasn't even looked at me." Saying it out loud hurt more than anything, like it somehow made it more true, not just something she'd been thinking.

"I could smack that boy upside the head," Nana growled, letting go of Skylar. "My grandson is one of the smartest people I know, but he can be as dense as a bag of rocks."

She walked back over to the plants she was putting in a little box and arranged them again, even though they'd been nothing less than perfect before. Almost like she needed to keep her hands busy so she didn't go hunting for Orion.

"What are those for?" Skylar asked. "I'm sure they have herbs in the Eastern Clan."

Nana snorted. "Nothing of this quality. I prepared these special, and I want you to have them, so you can practice healing. I will see you again, Skylar, and I want you to stay refreshed on everything I've taught you so far. I even wrote you some notes with things I haven't had the chance to teach you." She opened a drawer and pulled out a stack of neatly folded paper to put on top of the herbs.

Skylar's throat tightened at the gesture. For Nana to share her knowledge with an essential stranger, especially when that stranger was leaving to join a different clan.

"Nana..." she said, standing up and walking over to her. Skylar wrapped her arms tightly around her, squeezing her eyes closed. "Thank you."

Nana chuckled, patting Skylar's hair. "You're welcome, love. I've grown very fond of you, and I'm sorry that you're leaving."

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