Thirty-Nine: Easier to go Numb

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"You said you were going to help us," Skylar tried to understand what was happening. Her brain couldn't comprehend the sight of Orion unconscious, defenseless and vulnerable to a couple of shop owners. He was unstoppable, he was an impenetrable wall, and yet there he was. It was her turn to protect him, and she would do whatever it took. 

Ashley's hand shook slightly, but was otherwise steady in her grip on Skylar. "I lied."

Skylar debated overpowering Ashley, she knew it would be easy enough, but she didn't know if she would be fast enough to stop Alexis and Bonnie from hurting Orion. All it would take was a flick of the wrist to send the knife in Bonnie's hand slicing through the soft flesh of his neck. She wouldn't risk that.

"Why?" Skylar asked. "If you're afraid of Draco, we can stop him. I don't know what he did-"

"It's not what he did," she snapped. "One of his knights recognized your father's knights leaving the shop. One of them was Jonathan. They put a target on our backs, on my sisters's backs. Draco's knight beat them for consorting with the enemy, because your men brought attention to them. I won't risk their lives for you. Draco promised us safety if you were delivered to him."

"So you knew about Adam," Skylar sighed. "You knew what was in that package."

She felt Ashley nod. "I'm sorry about the knight, but I have to protect my sisters. They're all I have."

"If I don't go with you?"

"We kill Orion," Bonnie snapped. She pushed the knife a little harder against your neck and Skylar watched as it convulsed in reflex.

Alexis ran her hand down the side of his face. "Which would be a shame. He's a very handsome one. Ashley, you're sure we can't keep him?"

"As if he would go for you," Bonnie rolled her eyes at her sister and Alexis gasped indignantly.

"Focus," Ashley snarled at them. Then she turned her attention back to Skylar. "I really don't want to do this, you have to know that."

"We can protect you!" Skylar promised. She inhaled sharply when Ashley pressed the knife harder into her neck. 

"Not against Draco. Whatever you have planned against him, you should give in while there's still a chance."

Skylar stared down at Orion. His entire body was slack, only his shoulders held up by Alexis as she rested his head in her lap to hold the cloth over his mouth. She understood Ashley's drive; Skylar would do anything for Orion. 

"You and I both know he can be stopped, Ashley. Help us save Jonathan and we'll protect you. We'll take you with us, you and your sisters. You'll be safe with us, I promise."

"No! You don't understand how powerful he is. You can't stop him, nothing can stop him," Ashley sounded genuinely terrified and Skylar sensed the fear radiating from her.

"It might seem like that, but dragons are powerful. Dragons can stop him."

Ashley's hand began to shake, the knife against Skylar's skin biting into her neck further with every tremor. "No, Skylar. I'm sorry it has to be this way, but I won't risk my family when the outcome of this war is easy to foresee. Now stop talking. It won't be long until they're here for you."

Neither Skylar nor Orion could fall into Draco's grasp. She prayed she would be fast enough to stop Alexis and Bonnie from doing anything to Orion.

She spun in Ashley's grasp, reaching for the knife and pushing the maid away as she did so. Luckily, the element of surprise was on her side and none of the sisters had anticipated her calculated move, which gave her enough time to tackle Bonnie to the ground and getting the knife away from Orion's neck.

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