Fourteen: Found

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Orion noticed how his father's sharp words affected Skylar. She had shrunk back into him slightly and wouldn't meet Leo's gaze. His dragon, who would never disagree with his Alpha, rose up angrily, ready to defend Skylar.

"Dad," Orion said slowly, gently moving between his serious father and the woman he'd become oddly attached to in the last day. "I couldn't find them, just like I told you I wouldn't. But I found Skylar, who needs our help."

"Skylar," the older man said slowly, still staring at the female behind Orion. Victoria had a hand on Leo's forearm, and Orion could tell that she wanted to chastise her mate for his callous behavior, but wouldn't do so in front of Orion and Skylar. She would stand beside him, as was her place as Alpha female. "Where did you find her?"

"Percy and I encountered her in the kingdom of Trael, while searching for our lost members. She was being held hostage. Someone found out what she was, and Percy and I stepped in."

A growl tore from Leo's throat at Orion's words, and Orion couldn't stop himself from responding in kind. He loved his father dearly, looked up to him, but he wouldn't let him be so harsh with Skylar. Only Orion was allowed to do that. Anyone else who wanted to try would have to go through him. Leo noticed Orion's behavior and narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but relaxed.

"Step forward, Skylar," his father ordered. "Please."

Skylar obeyed, skirting around Orion slowly and raising her head to meet Leo's intense gaze. Leo studied her for a moment before speaking in a gentler tone. "How were you discovered?"

Skylar glanced at Orion before answering. Orion tried to look encouraging; he knew from experience what an intimidating man his father could be. "He suspected what I was. He provoked me into anger, and I couldn't stop my eyes from flashing."

Leo pursed his lips and narrowed his own coal black eyes. "And does this man know where you are now?"

"No, he does not."

Leo nodded. "Good. I would like a moment with my son, if you would please. Victoria, perhaps you could take her to the infirmary and see what Nana is up to, if she needs any help."

"Of course, darling," Victoria said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek before grabbing Skylar's hand and leading her away. Orion watched them leave, wanting nothing more than to accompany Skylar, but he knew he had to speak with his father. Leo motioned for Orion to follow him into his office, where he took a seat behind the large desk, facing Orion. Orion sat in one of the stuffed chairs across from his father and waited, ready to relay every scrap of information he had about Skylar.

Leo grabbed two crystal glasses and a bottle of whiskey from inside of his desk and poured them each a glass. Orion took his gratefully and waited for Leo to drink first. He was surprised when his father raised the glass slightly. "Don't think I'm not glad to have you home, Orion, because I am. I'm just surprised you brought home a strange dragon, that's all."

Orion shrugged. "She needed help. I couldn't just leave her."

"She couldn't help herself? She's a dragon."

"She's a special case."

"Hmm," Leo studied Orion closely, in the way that always made Orion believe the man knew more than he was letting on. "Tell me about her."

So Orion did. He relayed everything, from finding her, to her being afraid of him, to suppressing her dragon, and the knights that had chased them. He included their run in with the bear, and Leo found that incredibly amusing. Orion tried to keep emotion from leaking into his explanations, but despite his best efforts, he knew he was letting on to the fact that he was fond of Skylar. And Leo was one of the most observant men he'd ever met.

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