Thirty-Six: Help Convincing the King

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Orion paced around the obnoxiously large room. Honestly, who needed a room of this size? The kitchen and living room of the Big House could have fit in the suite he'd been placed in, and neither room was lacking in size.

He looked out the window, judging it to be roughly seven o'clock, and wondered if it were acceptable to leave his room yet. He'd been awake before the sun, not that he'd slept that well anyway. He felt trapped here, he'd sensed the guards that had stood watch outside his room all night, and he doubted they were there to keep someone from getting in. He perched on the edge of the monstrous bed and put his face in his hands. Where was Skylar? He needed to see her. He was sure she wasn't as anxious about their presence here as he was, but he needed her for reassurance. This was likely how she'd felt when he'd brought her to his clan: out of place.

It didn't help that the king so obviously didn't care for him. That would likely make their convincing of him harder. Orion promised himself that he would remain calm and collected, letting Skylar lead the discussion. She knew this place, she knew how things worked, so she needed to be in control. That was difficult for a man who'd always been in control. He trusted Skylar, but he wanted to help in a way that wasn't remaining silent.

"What on Earth?" a matronly voice gasped from the hallway. "Are you two keeping him inside?"

"The king's orders," one answered with obvious respect in his voice. Whoever the woman was, she obviously had some sort of power around the castle.

"Well, you can tell the king that I've got my eye on his lordship now, you two are dismissed," she said matter-of-factly. Orion immediately thought of Nana. Only she could manage to sound in charge in a situation in which she was not.

"We take orders from his Majesty-"

"Either way I'm going through that door, so you can either step aside and listen to me help his lordship dress, or you can go get your breakfast. The kitchen has a wonderful meal prepared for the princess's return and I bet if you ask nicely, they'll share."

Orion sensed the hesitation from the guards, but then heard their boots retreat softly down the carpeted hall. He chuckled and turned expectantly toward the door, curious about this powerful woman who was apparently here to help him dress.

There were three knocks on the door, and then the woman in question let herself in. He perched on the side of his bed, which he'd already made, to greet her. She was much smaller than he had expected, barely up to his chest, but she carried herself with the air of someone of much larger stature. She was also dressed like a peasant, wearing simple a wool dress and her hair tucked beneath a bonnet. She had a pile of clothes balanced in her grasp and he eyed them suspiciously. He'd already dressed in his clothes from the day before and didn't see what was wrong with them. They were clean enough and he hadn't brought anything else.

She curtsied to him and smiled warmly. "My lord, my name is Greta and I'm here to help you get ready for the day."

Greta, the woman Skylar had mentioned briefly, but obviously cared about. He shouldn't have been surprised she'd be a spirited woman.

"You can call me Orion, Greta," being referred to as "lord" didn't sit well with him, "but I assure you I can get ready on my own, as I already have." He motioned to his attire and the woman chuckled and shook her head. She walked over to the bed and set down the pile of clothes.

"It was requested by Skylar herself that I assist you, Orion," she smiled. "She wants only the best help for her guest."

"Oh, well," he couldn't but smile that Skylar was looking out for him. "I'm flattered, but I don't need new clothes."

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