Day 22

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Duncan and I were sleeping soundly when he woke up and elbowed me by accident. “Ow! Are you trying to kill me?” I asked holding my stomach.

“I’m sorry, it’s just Beth’s stupid chattering woke me up. Again.” He said putting his arms around me. He lifted my shirt slightly and looked at my stomach and there wasn’t a bruise but it still hurt. He was a lot stronger than me.

“I’m sorry babe” He said kissing where it hurt. “A little to the left” I said milking in purposely. He smiled putting my shirt down and sitting back up along with me.

 “So, wait again? She’s chattering again!? SHUT UP BETH!” I yelled.

“Well, with a face like that I’d be scared to, ha, right guys?” Duncan said. Don’t think he’s really used to having none of his guy friends in the trailer.

“Right, no one left to laugh at my excellent zingers” He said.

“I’m still here” I said laying down with him.

“Well lucky me then” he said kissing me lightly.

“The good news is there's no one left to reek up the trailer with jungle breath, no body to wake me up with screaming night terrors ‘Mommy! Mommy!’” He said in a high voice, I’m gonna take a wild guess at Harold.

“And nobody with any chance of taking our guaranteed million away ha-haa. And no one to keep you from being here” He finished kissing me again and laying on his back putting his pocket knife in the bed post. I laid on his chest.

We heard Beth chattering again. “PUT A BLINDFOLD ON LOSER!” He yelled to Beth. He sighed “Man I’m never gonna get to sleep” He said.

“Yeah me either. But at least we have more time for…” I said kissing him.

He put one of his hands on my head and said “Then sleep can take the back seat” he said kissing me again. Beth chattered again and we both pulled apart “SHUT UP!!”

When we said that the sunroof on the trailer opened up and some spray paint can fell in, smoke was coming out of it.

“What the-uh” Duncan said passing out.

“Duncan, Duncan, wake up” I said shaking him, then I started to feel hazy. “Wake…up…” I said, then I was gone.  


I woke up to Beth’s voice. “Duncan, Alex! Duncan, Alex!” She kept saying.

“Matt, go die in a whole” I said. I was half asleep for some reason dreaming I was back at home. Matt’s my little brother.

“It’s a PD day ma” Duncan said probably still in his dream to.

“Duncan! Alex! I think we’ve been sheinghide!” Beth said.

“What?” I asked waking up now. I was tied between Beth and Duncan to a pole.

“What the…hey let us off!” I said getting more frustrated trying to get out.

“Huh, tight but not painful, Chef’s losing his edge” Duncan said.

“How are we supposed to get out of here?” I asked madly.

“Wait, I have a plan! It’s going to help make sure one of us or two of us wins the millions dollars” Beth said.

“All I’m planning is to make sure the one of us is me” Duncan said. I kicked him a little bit and he said “I mean, that the two of us is me and Alex” He said.

“Better” I said.

“We can work together like teamsies!” Beth said.

“Uh, un. Duncan and I are working together, you’re on your own sweetie” I said.

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